Discussed character via PM, so here's the obligatory teleporter. [hider=Kosoku Hitoshi][centre][h2][b]Kosoku Hitoshi[/b][/h2][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/DzRcCCg.png?1[/img] [hr][hr] [b][NAME][/b] Kosoku Hitoshi [b][GENDER][/b] [s]Attack Helicopter[/s] Male [b][AGE][/b] 16 [b][PERSONALITY][/b] Primarily, Kosoku is defined by his casual personality combined with his analytical approach. He exhibits a level-headed aura that rarely seems to dissipate - regardless of the situation. This makes him fairly adaptable - particularly in the academy's training exercises, as Kosoku doesn't seem to mind working with other students or working independently, although he doesn't necessarily pursue other joining groups actively. In most cases, Kosoku just takes the role of an observer, watching from a distance like a [s]creep[/s] [i]cool dude[/i] and watching events as they unfold, but he can take an active stance if the situation truly demands it. Despite his casual nature, Kosoku is definitely capable of putting on a more serious persona when things seem grim or dangerous, maintaining his analytic demeanour while also gaining a drive to complete his goals. However, it's not a persona that manifests during academy time unless in a more intense combat exercise or something else along those lines. Kosoku is prone to being quite detached from the issues of other trainee heroes at the hero academy., and a lot of the time doesn't take much of an initiative in helping out others unless they explicitly ask him for help. A lot of his focus is geared toward his own Quirk's development, and he feels he has little time to interact with other students beyond the occasional prank or conversation, tying into his unusual disposition regarding his stay at the hero academy; Kosoku doesn't have much interest in becoming an professional hero, which begs the question as to why he's even attending the academy at all. According to him, it's just to perfect his Quirk usage. Simply put, he needs to take an active stance more often in order to help others out. Perhaps that's something that'll change with time. Still, thanks to his Quirk (and the influence of other classmates), Kosoku has discovered the more mischievous applications of his powers, and sometimes collaborates with other students to pull pranks on people. ... There's also that ninja motif that he seems to be following to a fault. Like, seriously - it's not even his hero costume, he just wears it all the time now. [b][BACKSTORY][/b] Kosoku hails from a family of martial artists. Given that they ran a rather successful martial arts school. While the school itself taught many different fighting, they specialized in having students incorporate their Quirks into the martial arts styles. Kosoku's parents had developed their own unique styles from their respective Quirks, and the birth of Kosoku gave them the interesting prospect of training him also, teaching a fighting style while also training him to use his Quirk more effectively. At first, Kosoku found this training to be more of a hobby, and he had very little direction in life regarding a career, the only thought being to inherit the martial arts school. However, over the years of training he began to grow more invested in his Quirk and its applications, wanting to enhance his capabilities to the fullest extent. His parents urged him to veer away from the path of the martial artist, amazingly enough. They thought Kosoku's powers would be better put to working as a hero. It was something that he had not considered, and even after doing so he wasn't entirely convinced, but the hero academy. [i]did[/i] boast the best facilities and training for Quirk growth. That alone was enough to convince Kosoku to enrol. His future goals are still not entirely certain, but it seems as though he's on the path to becoming a professional hero nonetheless. [b][QUIRK][/b] [b]Shortcut[/b] – A Quirk brought about through a joining of a self-teleportation Quirk and a Quirk which could teleport others through hand contact, the resulting Quirk being a synthesis of the two. Shortcut allows Kosoku to teleport himself to any point within 100 metres of his current location without having to traverse the space between. In addition, Kosoku is able to teleport objects and people which he touches with his hands, sharing a teleportation range of 100 metres and being able to teleport a maximum of 300 kg. Both aspects of Shortcut carry defensive and offensive abilities, with defensive abilities centring around dodging, whereas offensive abilities revolve around manipulation of both himself and other objects to attack enemies. [b][SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES][/b] [b]Ninja Arts: Shortcut[/b] - A basic move named after the Quirk itself. Kosoku teleports to any location within 100 metres of himself. A simple ability with several applications. [b]Ninja Arts: Route[/b] - Another basic move with many applications. Kosoku touches an object or person with his hands and teleports it anywhere within 100 metres of himself. [b]Ninja Arts: Mass Shortcut[/b] A similar move to [i]Shortcut[/i]. Kosoku uses both aspects of his Quirk, teleporting himself and objects he's touching with his hands to any location within 100 metres. [b]Ninja Arts: Bypass[/b] Kosoku teleports to an enemy and attacks. Can be used to attack from near-unpredictable angles. [b][LIMITS][/b] [b]Calculation[/b] - In order to teleport himself and others, Kosoku needs a brief moment of concentration in order to decide where he goes. Fast attacks can interrupt the teleportation process, but it also causes consecutive teleports in quick succession to have a short interval in which Kosoku can be hit, if the target is fast enough. The calculation to teleport other people is noticeably longer than the one to teleport himself, providing a long enough window for people to strike Kosoku or thrash around, disrupting the chance for them to be transported in the process. [b]Weight[/b] - Despite being able to teleport objects of 300 kg, teleporting anything above 140 kg puts a significant amount of strain upon Kosoku, and can damage his body significantly the closer he gets to the total weight limit. [b]Stamina[/b] - Depending on the distance and frequency of the teleportation, use of the power itself will put a strain on Kosoku's endurance - more so when he carries things closer to his total weight limit. The more tired he becomes, the more difficult and slower the teleportation process becomes, leaving him more vulnerable to being hit. [b]Damage[/b] - While in theory Kosoku can deflect certain attacks, he would still have to touch them, meaning most redirected attacks would still deal damage to his hands. The damage could [i]potentially[/i] be minimized by calculating before he touches the attack, but it still doesn't remove the problem.[/centre][/hider]