[hider=Jack] Name: Jack Montgomery Age:19 Gender: M Sexual Orientation: Bisexual prefers guys Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/thecut/slideshows/2013/12/thomas-knights-red-hot/thomas-knights-red-hot-5.o.jpg/a_4x-vertical.jpg[/img] [/hider] Mutation: Super Speed but he is still a bit clumsy. [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Peak_Human_Condition]Peak human condition [/url]. His super speed gives him the ability. He is still working on it. Personality: Jack always seems to have a smile or a quick joke. He will hit on just about anyone. Jack was raised by his mother to always be polite. Jack is charming in the way that only people from the country side can be. He is quick with a smile or a joke even considering all that he has been through. It is not uncommon to see Jack hitting on anyone he can since gender and species does not matter to him. He is not as charming as he seems to think he is. It is not uncommon for his advances to be met with a punch or a slap. However he usually is the perfect Southern Gentleman. His accent drives home how southern he is. Bio: Jack Montgomery was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. Jack had always been a little different. He never knew his parents since he was raised by his grandmother. She never spoke of his parents and that never seemed to bother him. Jack spent most of his life on her small house in the swamps. She taught him to always be a proper gentleman. Around his 15th birthday, he discovered he could run much faster than the average person. His grandmother figured out what was going on when he came home with smoky and ruined clothes on. She told Jack to always keep his powers hidden since mutants were not popular in their neck of the woods. It helped that no one lived near them. On his 18th birthday, he got an invitation to learn how to control his speed. He accepted it to try and make something of himself. Other: $3 Pineapples [/hider]