[center][img]http://www.lediableblanc.com/Wallpaper/22.jpg[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/1s9DZCM0Zgg?t=6][b][i]Pick a Card, Any Card [/i][/b](Main Theme)[/url] [hr][hr][h1][color=red]♠[/color] [color=92278f] G A M B I T[/color] [color=black]♠[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [color=92278f]Player Name:[/color] Chaotic Chao (Formally CallMeChaotix) [color=92278f]Character You Wish To Play:[/color] Remy LeBeau [color=92278f]Alias:[/color] Gambit [color=92278f]Moral Alignment:[/color] Hero [color=92278f]Affiliation:[/color] S.H.I.E.L.D. [hider=Marvel Origins: Gambit] Abandoned as a child because of the devilish-like red fire in his eyes, Remy LeBeau was soon brought into a gang of thieves, who were the closest thing to family to him. He was nicknamed the White Devil by them for obvious reasons. Remy was trained by them how to be a thief, and he was really, really good at it. He could walk past you without you realizing 50 bucks were just stolen from your wallet. He grew up with this gang. Remy then learned of his power at age 13. While throwing a dart at a target in his gang's hideout with no one around, the target was demolished. He started training while no one was around, since mutants were despised by humanity. He used his skills that he was taught by his group to steal and sometimes he even used his powers. At one point, he and his gang planned to steal from a powerful mutant named Condra. They didn't know this person was a mutant and they didn't even know. They obviously didn't stand a chance, as they were subdued immediately. Condra had sold them a child slave trader called the 'Pig'. The 'Pig' had planned to sell them to HYDRA, as soldiers. It didn't take them long to escape their cell, but 'Pig' caught up quickly. Remy had found his signature attack when he picked up a playing card one of his gang member's had dropped, and threw it at him. 'Pig' had his eye took out by the card, and the gang escaped. After the gang escaped, they've been becoming more confident since they escaped 'Pig'. They started getting sloppier and sloppier, and that's when the cops got to them. Most of the gang escaped, one was shot to death for pulling out a pistol on the police. And Remy? Remy was arrested. Director Fury noticed Remy's skills, and soon had plans for him. At age 17, Remy was recruited to S.H.I.E.L.D. Not exactly, like he had a choice, it was either jail time or that. He had done a lot of missions around the world. From stealing a simple diary about weapons, to actually stealing serious heat, he was taught how to use a Bo staff, and martial arts. S.H.I.E.L.D. even helped him learn the potential of his powers, like how if he charges up the object he's holding for long, the more damage it does. [/hider] [b][color=92278f]Kinetic Energy Manipulation[/color][/b] - Gambit has the ability to turn energy into Kinetic energy. Making the object he charges the energy with, glow a light purple aura and explode on impact of an enemy. The amount of power in the object he throws matters how much he charges it with energy. He prefers to use throwing cards for this power, after the incident with Pig he mastered being able to throw cards. [b][color=92278f]Staff Combat[/color][/b] - Given that he's been trained with many ways of combat. He prefers a Bo Staff, he can kick plenty of ass with this weapon. He knows many techniques with this weapon, and possibly knows many styles of how to use this weapon than he lets on. Gambit has probably even perfected Bo Staff Martial Arts. [b][color=92278f]Hand to Hand Combat[/color][/b] - There are times where he doesn't have his staff or his cards., making this a very helpful way of fighting. He knows how to fight with out an staff. He knows the basic stuff of fighting, kicking, punching, and headbutting. He probably knows Martial Arts as well, considering he's been trained by expert Stealth Ops. [b][color=92278f]Ways of An Thief[/color][/b] - You may want to pay very close attention to this fella. He's a professional thief, because of training from S.H.I.E.L.D. and experience from many missions around the world. If he bumps into, check your pockets because he might have just stolen your keys to your car, your wallet, or your purse. [color=92278f]Sample Story Arcs:[/color] [b][i]Agent Gambit[/i][/b] - Gambit becomes a full on agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and goes on various missions for the agency. [b][i]Captured[/i][/b] - Gambit is captured, and brainwashed by H.Y.D.R.A. They make him believe he was on their side instead of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s. He gains his originally memories back thought at one point, but for at that time. He's forced to be a villain. [b][i]On The Run[/i][/b] - After regaining his memories, he's on the run from H.Y.D.R.A. and S.H.I.E.L.D. since they don't know he was brainwashed and H.Y.D.R.A. wants him back. He has no where to go, and no where to hide. [b][i]The White Devil Avenger[/i][/b] - Gambit joins the West Coast Avengers. [b][i]Interaction[/i][/b] - Gambit possibly interacts with other S.H.I.E.L.D. NPCs, or even actual characters like Hawkeye and Coulson. Maybe, helping them with a job. [hider=Sample Post] The guy couldn't believe he was loosing to this stranger at cards! Nobody could beat him, nobody! "You're cheating!" He jumped out of his seat, and slammed his hands on the table. He had to be cheating, that was the only damn way! [color=92278f]"You just suck that's all"[/color] The guy in the brown fedora with the long trench coat at the other end of the table smirked, only his mouth was shown as he tipped his fedora down. He really wasn't cheating at all, this guy just didn't like the fact that he was loosing to stranger that showed up out of no where.The guy was now very, very pissed! The guy's buddies walked over, and they seemed not too happy either. "We don't like cheaters around here." Ah, so they were going to say they won, make it look like he cheated, and jump him, the man in the fedora thought. "What's your name? Huh, answer me damn it!" The guy who was loosing yelled at the man in the fedora. The man in the fedora tiled his head up, slowly showing his dark eyes filled with a purple fire for pupils. The three men stumbled back, in shock of what they saw the demonic fire for eyes the man had. [color=92278f]"The name's Remy LeBeau, but you can call me Gambit."[/color] Remy showed his head completely, smiling like a sneaky devil. [/hider] [/center]