[hr][hr] [center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/pompom91/AddisonMatthews_zpsc6153a7a.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m45jk013H01qgnsnbo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Outside on the beach → Kitchen [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Everyone in the kitchen[/center] [hr] Addie concentrated on keeping her breathing steady as she jogged down the beach, she loved to wake up early to go for runs as the sun was rising. The temperature was cooler than if she would have opted to take an afternoon run and hopefully the group would do something fun together this afternoon. She ran the length of the beach and then circled back. As she came to a stop in front of the back patio of the beach house she sat down in the sand and took her shoes and socks of and put her toes in the sand. Addison leaned back and took in the glory of the sunrise. She checked her watch it was already 7am, she knew that Ashleigh would be u by now. The only person that was up when she went for her run was Ellie but Addie was not in the mood for a snide remark before her morning coffee. Addison sighed and straightened up, this first week had gone by fast. It could have something to do with her being jet lagged for most of it. She had come straight from the airport after a 14 hour flight from Thailand where she had done a job for H&M and their swimsuit line. So she has spent the week trying to stay awake while catching up with her friends. Hopefully they didn’t take her drowsiness for disinterest, she really did find it interesting to learn what her friends had gotten up to since she saw them last because some of them she almost never saw in her day to day life. Some more than others of course Ashleigh she saw every other day, and of course there was Blondie who she had been seeing lot of recently since they have been working on a campaign for Guess Jeans. But seeing him shirtless as much as she had in the last couple of weeks had taking its toll on Addison’s psyche and her feelings for him is making things awkward for her at the shoots. She shook her head to try to clear it. On top of that she still had to worry about the radio silence from her brother. It had been about 3 weeks since she last heard from him. Her parents had long since given up and already cut him off but Addison couldn’t let go, it was her brother and the only one she has. She took out her phone to check but it was in vain because she had no new messages from him. She decided to try to message him once again. [quote=Addsion]“Hey big brother! You alive? Please let me know if you are dead! I will pay for you to come out here just let me know, ok?”[/quote] Her fingers drummed on the screen of her phone and then with a little too much force she smashed send, sending her phone tumbling down in the sand. Addie groaned and snatched it up shaking it as she stood up. She decided it was time to go back in to the house. When she stepped in from the patio she was greeted with a confusing sight. A large portion of the group was already up and uncharacteristically noisy. Not surprisingly Randy was on the floor after falling from his chair no doubt. Addison smiled down at him with genuine concern [b]“You alright sweetie?”[/b] she said as she helped him up. She walked over to the fridge where Zay was rummaging for her missing waffles and took out an yoghurt and rolled her eyes comically at Zahra as Ellie casually mentioned that she had thrown out someone else’s food. [b]“Nice one Ellie, maybe it’s your cooking that’s substandard and not Z’s groceries!”[/b] She winked at her and popped a spoon full of yoghurt in to her mouth. She turned towards Ashleigh who was sitting on top of the counter next to her [b]“Ash again remember to thank your parents for letting us stay over the summer again.”[/b]