[h2][center][color=39b54a]Randar Xenil[/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title42353292.png[/img][/center] Finally arriving at the Imperial Coliseum, Randar was a little surprised at being the first one there. Guess the back roads were shorter routes. He gave a shrug, it worked out either way for him. After quickly filling out his papers, he decided to look up the list for the opponents. Lets see here, it was him versus... Josiah Everett. Randar had no idea who that was, that was the bad news. Looks like he needed to keep a look out for this guy when he finally showed up. Being so early, he also went to check how the rules worked around here. After reading a few paragraphs, he stopped. His eyes fixed on a seemingly normal detail. To no one in particular, he ended up blurting out, [color=39b54a]"No no no no, shields? We are using shields? That's ridiculous."[/color] He knew safety was a concern for the audience. After all, Innocent bystanders could be hurt otherwise. Shields meant fairness on both sides, helping the weak stand up to the strong. Shields can't be healed, they don't care about elemental weaknesses and strengths. They probably didn't take into account the toughness of the person it was cast on. The use of shields left him standing there. His plan, was now useless. He went into overdrive trying to come up with a new plan. Lucky he arrived so early, he needed time to change his plan. He placed his hands over his head, this wasn't how his competition went. With a loud groan, he started to pace around the room. 90 second rounds, that was the only good part. It meant an all in shot would be fine if it came down to it. Maybe the rules would shake up his opponent as well, not likely. Death match rules, he didn't have a second chance if he let this detail beat him. He quickly headed outside and told Cothyl, [color=00a651]"The plan changed, we're going with the second round plan."[/color] Cothyl just looked at him and replied, [color=f26522]"Are you alright? You look pretty shaken up."[/color] Randar wasn't usually this freaked out. Not before the big fight he was waiting for, guess something changed. With a nod, Cothyl headed a distance from the Coliseum, if he wanted plan B, then there was no point to avoiding people. He almost felt bad for the opponent, at least it was still a nice day. He should be able to prepare plan B in time. Randar sat down. A bigger target was a risk, but if Cothyl landed a hit, the match would be over pretty fast. No time to mess around, he won't be beaten on the first round. At least he could take a chance and do some small chat with the other competitors as they arrived, well except Mary. In the meantime, he got lost in his thoughts on how he was gonna pull this off.