"[b][color=0076a3]What are you going to do little man? Are you going to quit? You gonna curl up and cry?![/color][/b]" Dimitri barked as he towered over the shivering man currently lying before him. Dimitri's face twisted into an aggressive, somewhat mocking sneer as he watched the human averted his gaze. It was times such as these that Dimitri found himself remembering just how frail humans could be, how soft. The sneer on his face slipped away as he began to bear down on the man with a cold and merciless gleam in his eyes. He watched as the man panicked, as his eyes darted around helplessly at the giant that moved ever closer to him, as those very same eyes locked with his own. Dimitri's advance halted, not by his own will, but by the will of the man who saw fit to finally retaliate. "[b][color=0076a3]That's it, now you've got some fight in you. Come on then! COME ON![/color][/b]" He roared as the man grit his teeth and made his final push...to place the barbell back onto it's rack. The fake aggressive look on Dimitri's face melted away completely as he released the barbell himself and went to help the man up, "[b][color=0076a3]Good job Percy, I knew you had it in you.[/color][/b]" he praised, punctuation his statement with a friendly slap on the man's shoulder. The man, Percy, offered a weak smile in between his puffing and wheezing as his face and neck went from a bright red from strain, to a more normal flesh colored hue, "[b]You really don't go easy, do you man?[/b]" he rasped. Dimitri chuckled, "[color=0076a3]I'm here to help you get fit, not to cheat you or let you cheat yourself.[/color]", now it was Percy's turn to laugh, however his was cut short as he felt pain flare up in his muscles, "[b]It feels like I got hit by a truck.[/b]" "[b][color=0076a3]A truck would be more forgiving. Besides the real pain won't kick in until tomorrow, put some ice on and take a bath in epsom salt, it'll help.[/color][/b]". As Dimitri's phone alarm went off he stepped away from his client and began to pack his things. The session was over for today, and with no further classes until tomorrow he had a bit of time to play around with. After the goodbyes were exchanged Dimitri left Percy's house and started to walk down the street. It was a lovely day out, and he only lived about ten miles away. More than enough time and distance to give him a chance to figure out what he'd do tonight.