So basically either Tizoc can join Rock and Jae Hoon, or join Great Dragon... interesting... Also as an aside I was genuinely surprised they didn't put Tizoc into the Mexico team for KOF XIV. King of Dinosaurs looks cool though. Anyways both are accepted, and I was pleasantly surprised you actually used 3 Count Bout for inspiration [@Zero Hex]. Bonus points for that as I remember really enjoying that game when I was little. Probably aged like crap though. As for you [@Moonman], I'll let you decide who Tizoc teams with. Since story line wise there's breathing room for Rock and Jae Hoon to maybe seek him out to join. Due to Dong Hwan pulling his groin and all... tehe. Also if someone DOES want to bring in Dong Hwan I don't mind editing that out and changing things up.