[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KetOOvg.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lLqdUR0.png[/img] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/33870641/large.gif[/img] [color=Khaki]Party begins:[/color] @ 8 (Current time, 7:30 PM) [color=Khaki]Hostesses:[/color] [color=ff4000]Samantha Youngblood[/color] & [color=springgreen]Avalon Middleton[/color] [color=Khaki]Who's invited:[/color] Mayweather students, only. Sorry Delphina, not really. [hr][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/T1bMkTG.png[/img] [indent]Did you honestly think we'd make this easy for you, villains? Don't think us to be dumb. Sam has been here long enough to know word goes around fast. Meet the [url=https://67.media.tumblr.com/702d742cc60c201a8851cdbaf1615547/tumblr_o785aviUjZ1rshgzoo1_500.gif]Dewey brothers[/url], Vice President of Student Council, Lou, and his Junior brother, Jay, who fancies math and numbers. They will be patrolling the top floor of Mayweather Old East, since the party will be held on that specific roof. Before anyone gets to Senior Journalist extraordinaire, [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/4d42b27dbcc4ecfa43f2091a62af9237/tumblr_mo37m3DUab1rm0frzo1_500.gif]Danny Leoni[/url], head editor of Mayweather Daily, who will be at the door with a grand guest list, you'll have to go through them. As much as these three men do not look intimidating, think again. The Dewey Brothers have gained a reputation for being one of the best duos this school has to offer. "Stasis" (FC: Zac Efron) has the ability to hold someone by simply pointing his finger. The time a person will be frozen in position varies depending on their body type and willpower. The stronger your mind and the bigger your body is, the shorter you will be stuck in a pose that he left you in. This gives his younger brother, "Chaos Theory" (FC: Dave Franco), time to touch said person and send them through a wormhole to a destination within ten miles. Put these two together and you have the perfect bouncers. Then you have the apathetic hero known as "The Unswayed" (FC: Ezra Miller). His mind is completely filled with white noise which makes it impossible for any mind manipulators to have their way with him. Along with that, he can extend his ability to fill an area of his choosing with the same white noise that is in his head. As long as he's on this floor, no one, not the Dewey Brothers, the guests, or the uninvited, can be influenced by people like Klaus and Gianna. All three of them will have bluetooth walkie-talkies that signal the DJ upstairs if they come across problems. There is surveillance throughout the building, especially in the Hallways, and if a war were to happen or causalities, well that wouldn't look good for you silly Delphinas, now would it? You can be civil or you can be expelled, your choice. [right]Good luck, guys.[/right] [/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/41FcZ8p.png[/img] [indent]Heroes, heroes! We've been expecting you. Welcome to the best bash of the year! Kidding, we'll throw even better ones in the future. If you think this party is hot, just you wait for the next one. As you can see, the roof entrance, the wall of the bricked building, and the half walls on the [url=https://images.oyster.com/articles/1426-2010-07-rooftop-wedding-2.jpg]roof's ends[/url] are decorated with [url=http://orig04.deviantart.net/f61d/f/2010/185/b/4/those_party_lights___by_delobbo.jpg]colorful lights galore[/url]. We've installed a makeshift [url=http://www.corporatestage.com.au/new/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Dance_Floor_Hire_Eight.jpg]dance floor[/url] with [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/16/9d/2c/169d2cf82df5e8194974588146580cf1.jpg]pillars at each corner[/url] so that we could add some shine to the dance zone! Hanging on one of those pillars is a [url=http://victoriaelizabethbarnes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/mirror-ball-holiday-decorations-are-pretty-during-the-day2.jpg]disco ball[/url], while the pillar diagonal from it has a [url=https://istatic.bazar.bg/photosbazar/pictures3/d5/pics/d56dc3e2ae1a0b01def0f878717485c9.jpg]laser light[/url] pointing at it to make the dance floor truly shimmer various colors. The dance floor would be straight passed the entrance, practically in the center, with a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0b/40/e3/0b40e3e0c6c3fac52ae0560cda05d3a7.jpg]big booth[/url] for [url=http://www.mtv.co.uk/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_wide/public/mtv_uk/galleries/large/2015/11/11/tumblr_nkcgblstfj1r3ptbfo1_500.gif?itok=5AfsMalJ]DJ Pearl Bailey[/url] (FC: Charli XCX) on the left side and two tables with finger food and drinks on the right side (The fruit punch is spiked and there are coolers under the table with extra beverages). The DJ's actual name is Bailey Young, she's a sophomore at Mayweather, who goes by the alias: Banshee. If her alias didn't give away her abilities enough, just get her angry. If you make her screech, she will pop your eardrums or worse, make them bleed. By each corner of the roof, there are [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/12/75/7d/12757d17db565467f04c70e1f982e5ed.jpg]torches in flower pots[/url] to signal students the end of the roof. Don't be stupid and tumble off the building. Please. There is an area behind the food to sit ([url=http://www.diyinspired.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Table-and-Chairs-004-Copy-560x357.jpg]tables and chairs reference[/url]) and chat with your fellow colleagues. If there are no more patio seats, take a seat on the half wall, but please be careful. [sub](The color scheme is overall bright)[/sub] [center]Now that everything is explained, have a great time! And remember, no Villains allowed![/center] [/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UnTCbEi.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv1qhz7GQo1qbabvao4_250.gif[/img] [b][color=darkcyan]Location;[/color][/b] Her bedroom → Jess' bedroom [b][color=darkcyan]Interacting With;[/color][/b] EMERGENCY [sub]([@FacePunch])[/sub] [b][color=darkcyan]Mood;[/color][/b] Um. [url=http://cache4.asset-cache.net/gc/130636897-felicity-jones-attends-the-launch-of-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=fOqRSGnZREbdOD5U9z9THwcb6FfsK7b8TvneFoPo1AfnK4pa%2FeaOrSDLrcUirP5zpZ4bZAaLrJCaUlTWzBuL8g%3D%3D]Party Look[/url][/center][hr][i]Previously that same day...[/i] [indent][color=darkcyan][i]I-I can't believe this is a thing right now.[/i][/color] For a long moment, Eliana Lovelace stood under her archway of her dorm door, completely bewildered at the sight she was seeing. Let's just say she was stunned for a round. Once Carmen parked her car the three of them split to do their own thing. Ellie went back to the place she left Lucas to retrieve the damaged novel she had forgotten, relieved she didn't bump into anyone during that time. The good experience she had at the shooting range was kicked out the door when she opened her own door. [i]How should she feel?[/i] Her [url=http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/products/9811745/P16977743.jpg]dark turquoise comforter[/url], white sheets, and pillow cases were impressively twisted into a knot and laying at the center of her room on the carpet. When she walked to her desk chair and tested it to see if it was safe, it collapsed to the floor. [i]How should she feel?[/i] The only outfits left in her closet was four short dresses that weren't her favorite because of the length, but it would be rude to throw away a graduation gift from her aunt. Odd, that those were the only dresses that survived. Ellie had promised her Aunt she would find an occasion to wear them this year, [color=darkcyan][i]I guess that's sooner rather than later.[/i][/color] [i]How should she feel?[/i] On top of her clothes spelling '[b]Courtesy of Delphina Academy[/b]' on the wall, her undergarments were hanging like fucking banners and lights, as if they were decorations on display. Her door was closed now as she stood in the center of the room, pushing her bedding to the side with her foot. Head completely spinning. Heart picking up in speed. No words could escape her lips. Suddenly, alarms set off in her. [color=darkcyan][i]Oh no, no, no, no... fuck, fuck.[/i][/color] Her dresser was in parts, in the corner of the room. Shaking. Her hands were shaking. Her legs were shaking. Her body was shaking. [color=darkcyan][i]My journal... my...[/i][/color] Ellie was no longer in a state of being stupefied. No. She was on the verge of doing something irrational and deadly. If she was going to cry, it would only be because of how uncontrollably angry she felt. Her journal was the only thing she could be completely honest to. Sure, she had friends to talk to but there's only so much she could share with them. Yet the words [i]I can't believe he would do this[/i] never crossed her mind. Actually, this was in his nature, she should have been more prepared. [color=darkcyan][i]Fuck my life.[/i][/color] Digging into her purse and taking out her phone, she went to Jess' number. Nearly hyperventilating, she called her friend but went straight to voicemail. Trying to keep her breathing steady, Ellie muttered, "[color=darkcyan]If I asked you to help me hurt someone, would you? Jess, I need you... asap. I-I don't know what I may do to him, but I... I need you. Oh god, I need to calm down. I'm freaking out. And the thing is, it wasn't just him. He couldn't have done this by himself. But I do know this was his idea... I'm going to fucking [i]kill him.[/i][/color]" As she hung up, her head turned to the knocking on her door. Dropping her things on the comforter on the floor, she shuffled her way to the door and cracked it open, not saying a word. Staring at Bailey, her poisonous stare filled with anger untold, she quietly listened to the other girl. "[color=a187be]Woah, babe. Rough day?[/color]" Bailey paused for a second and realized she wasn't going to get a word out of Ellie right now, "[color=a187be]I'll just make this quick then... party tonight on the roof. You're invited... You probably could use it.[/color]" The DJ didn't allow her eyes to venture inside, even if she was curious. Instead, Bailey said her goodbyes and awkwardly left to inform other Heroes about the party. Closing the door, Ellie turned around, and slid her back on it until her bottom was nicely rested on the ground. Burying her face as she hugged her knees, she mumbled, "[color=darkcyan]I need to call Jenna...[/color]" She'd have to remember to ask her sister to send her some of her extra clothes. Fixing this mess up wouldn't be easy alone. There was always the option of telling the authorities or hiring someone to help her, but Ellie did not want her mother to know about any of this and she didn't want to use her money for something that could be done by her own hands.[/indent] [i]7:30 PM[/i] [indent]Jess had called her back near immediately and they discussed [i]plans[/i]. They did have a task they wanted to achieve before they attended the party. Looking into her body mirror, her room a little better, but still a fucking disaster, she looked at her tiny black dress holding the ends of it, "[color=darkcyan]You're too short...[/color]" Even with stockings on, Ellie felt a bit awkward. Her dress was elegant, yes, but the length was just asking for her to get attention. Granted, she was not as bad as other girls at this school. Most people would say she looked sophisticated. Perhaps, it was the roller coaster of emotions that was making her paranoid. [color=darkcyan][i]I think I will drink tonight...[/i][/color] Not wanting to be in her room anymore, she exited it and went to Mayweather Old West to Jessica's bedroom to see if she was ready. Ellie ignored all those that stared at her, making her aura unpleasant to look at as her heels clicked on the ground. Reaching Jess' door, Dream Catcher, who was ready for a night to forget (make up and all), lightly hit the door with her knuckles. [b]*Knock* *Knock*[/b]. While waiting, she grabbed her right arm with her left hand and silently kept to herself.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CgYSTz8.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]http://media.giphy.com/media/8bAtk7PjWrO2k/giphy.gif[/img] [b][color=#b53389]Location;[/color][/b] Mayweather Old West, her bedroom [b][color=#b53389]Interacting With;[/color][/b] Delphina fam by text, Lucas [sub]([@Legion02])[/sub] [b][color=#b53389]Mood;[/color][/b] For the most part, eager and sexy [url=http://www.strangecelebrities.com/images/content/120347.jpg]Party Crashing Look[/url][/center][hr] [indent]After that crazy ride Gianna Daniels just had with the new kid, she decided to go to her bedroom on the third floor of Mayweather Old West and lay down. Before she got to her bedroom, a little birdie Mayweather freshman gestured for her to go into his room. He ended up telling her that there was a "MAYWEATHER ONLY" party happening on the roof of Old East. Oh, that just won't do. Rewarding the kid with a gentle kiss on the cheek, she dismissed herself and strolled into Old West. While she walked, Gia had texted Brenna informing her that she was fine, but that she needed to rest (and would tell her more later). Right after that, she sent a mass text to all the Delphinas she had the numbers of. For once, her text was not in shorthand. [center][quote][b]To: Like-minded souls. [color=#b53389]Guess what I found out, babes. Party tonight and we're not invited! Wouldn't you think the staff would be [i]so upset[/i] that our fellow Mayweathers are excluding us in their activities? I think we should fix that. If you guys don't know about the Dewey Brothers and Danny Leoni, I advice you to do your research. I hope to see you there<3. P.S. The more the merrier ;)[/color][/b][/quote][/center] Spending the rest of her day contemplating the occurrence with Minako, a conversation that was bound to happen today with Lucas, and the best outfit to wear at the party, she would like to think her day was wonderfully eventful. Gia wasn't completely alone since she kept her door open for visitors to come and go as they pleased, regardless if she was taking her top off and trying on a dress or not. Plus, she could hear the sound of conversations going on in the nearby pool room. The presence of others was some sort of comfort for Psyche. The one thing she was especially excited for tonight was playing matchmaker. Maybe she could stick cupid's arrows in two people who would NEVER work out. That would be laughable, but definitely worth the watch. Oh, and don't think her and her babies weren't going to make a grand entrance. Luckily for Spiderman, he could swing onto the roof or climb the dorm building, but if Gia needed to, she could find someone to get her there without the stress of going through the bouncers. However, it sounded more delightful to talk her way through this challenge. How did she know about it? Danny Leoni and the Dewey Brothers would do anything for Sam. It also helps Gia has Little Birdies throughout both schools that share with her: whispers. Woo people with words and you can get what you want. Those three were college kids - do you really think they want to guard the door all night? It must be sad that they were put on duty while everyone else had the time of their lives. The brothers would be fairly easy, more so Lou than Jay, but Danny was more of the challenge since he resisted her power like nobody else. Gia would have to make sure her puppy had a leash and a muzzle on. There was no need for him to make irrational moves that would cause Chaos Theory to send him miles away. The art of persuasion, without the use of powers, was definitely something heroes and villains alike should learn to do. [center][h3]~[/h3][/center] With her hair straitened, her eye makeup done, and her body ready to be ravished, Gia was set to get her party on and make an everlasting impression for those who didn't know her. Now, all she needed to do was wait for her pup, since they had set up a short meeting to "talk" at 7:30 PM, right before the party. He would be here any minute now. After applying nude lipstick on, she kissed the LED beauty mirror on her dresser. Frisky, feisty, and ready to marry the night! While she waited for Lucas to make his entrance, hopefully closing her door on his way in, she played [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AxI-poN1v4]Dilemma by Nelly ft Kelly Rowland[/url] and went to her closet where she hid a decent stash of alcohol. Taking two shot glasses and her Bacardi 151 out, Gia danced her way to her desk (right in front of the entrance door on the other end of the room, by the window), while she swayed her body, hips, and plump bottom to some classic R&B jams. Placing the shot glasses away from her laptop and on the wooden surface, the she-wolf poured the alcoholic liquid to the top of each glass. [color=#b53389][i]Sammy, Sammy, Sam, you should know better than to think I'd let you have this night to yourself.[/i][/color] As much as Gia wanted to start drinking, it was better with someone else, especially someone she actually cared about. When Lucas entered, he would definitely get a nice look of the back of her fine, fit form as she let the music rock it. Pure and utter bliss. Tonight was going to be great. [/indent]