[center][h2][color=gray]Donovan Michaels[/color] - Zero Escape[/h2][/center] I couldn't be bothered to even care about the last two who introduced himself, one's a nun and they're no fun. The other's some magician, I don't know, and frankly I could care less. Why couldn't the academy admit someone who was like, I dunno, Ultimate Master of Unlocking, maybe they could get us out. Or some Ultimate Digger or Driller, so we could dig ourselves into civilization again. Ultimate Explosives Expert? Bomber? Heavy Weapons Guy? Nothing that could actually help us force our way through or make an exit of our own?! Damn it, the more I think about that, the less stellar this academy becomes. Maybe that screaming guy from earlier was on to something, at this point, I'm about to scream and shout my head off from frustration alone. Then that chic chick suggest we go split up or some crap. Yeah, because that always works in situations like this, right? I rolled my eyes at the concept, there's no way there's a secret exit or some shit. Get real. But to my utter and complete shock, everyone was already forming groups to try and explore this wretched academy. I'm just glad the nun went with that fashion girl, I'd hate to have her around me. Now, normally, I'd go solo in this kind of situation, but that cook approached me and that surgeon and asked us to join her. I weighed the options...If there's three of us and one of them decides to go all homicidal, at least one of us would be able to witness it first-hand and inform the others, in the state that they're in, I'm pretty sure they'd believe it. And while going solo would significantly reduce my chances of getting killed, going in a trio would even it out just as much. I've got nothing to lose. I shrugged and accepted the offer.