[color=003471][h1]Bryson Anderson[/h1][/color] Interacting with: Everyone Location: Xavier's Institute Basement[hr] [color=1b1464][i]"Hey... Hey! Wake up! We're going to be late!"[/i][/color] Bryson groaned as he sat up and stretched his arms. He stared at the hazy image of a clock on the wall, and just barely made out the time. [i]8:30.[/i] [color=ed1c24][i]"It would appear that we're already late, Corvus."[/i][/color] [color=003471]"Alright, we're leaving,"[/color] Bryson said to the empty room. He rose from his bed and slipped on the closest pair of shoes. He was never one to be on time, and it didn't help that he was up all night trying to clear his mind. Sometimes, he just couldn't block them out. If it weren't for the cursed voices, he might not have been locked up for his entire life. He might have had a normal life. Unfortunately, Orion and Corvus chose him. Bryson raced through the basement corridors, but only ended up back at the stairs leading to the main floor. [i][color=003471]That's lovely. Can one of you help us out here? We might be able to actually make it there before the meeting is over.[/color][/i] Bryson tried to reach out to his companions, and fortunately Orion had heeded his call. To an outsider, it would appear that Bryson's soul might have just fallen out. Well, it definitely felt like that. The translucent, red figure stood tall. It was nearly a mirror image of Bryson. [color=1b1464][i]"Why are we letting this fool help? We know that I would be better for this,"[/i][/color] Corvus said. Bryson simply ignored the crow pecking at his mind, and took off down one of the corridors. Orion, having a connection to their sort of hive mind, knew to go in the other direction. With the two of them, they covered much more ground. Unfortunately, it would turn out that Bryson was simply going in circles. [color=1b1464][i]"Idiot! We're going in circles! Go find Orion, he's the only smart one here."[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24][i]"That would be a wise decision, as we have found our destination,"[/i][/color] Orion said. Bryson concentrated on the missing voice. He couldn't really explain their connection, because he didn't really know how it worked. All he knew was that he could hone in on Orion's location simply by concentrating. After about a minute, he had pinpointed his companion, and headed in that direction. Once there, he let Orion join him once more inside his head. It took some practice, but after a few days Bryson was able to fuse with his other thirds pretty easily. [color=ff6363]"...You haven't fed them? Shame on you,"[/color] a voice said through the cracked door. [color=1b1464][i]"We're starving! There better be food in there,"[/i][/color] Corvus said. He quickly surveyed the others, and noted that he had met most of them before. However, there were a couple that he hadn't truly met. [color=003471]"Hi everyone. We're sorry for being late. We couldn't sleep last night, because Corvus wouldn't shut up about how he saw a shadow in the corner of the room,"[/color] Bryson said, to no one in particular. He had hoped the general apology would be enough.