[center][img]https://badbikegang.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/hulk-romita.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] Sep [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b]Doctor Robert 'Bruce' Banner / Hulk [b]Alias:[/b] Green Goliath, Incredible Hulk, Indestructible Hulk etc. [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Hero / W.T.L [b]Affiliation:[/b] Formerly U.S Government [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] Robert Bruce Banner, or as he was so often called simply 'Bruce Banner' was the son of a wife beating, violent but brilliant scientist. David Banner. Being raised on a military base in Vista Verde New Mexico Bruce led a relatively secluded life, rarely leaving the house except to go to school. Little did he know this was largely in part to his father conducting illegal experiments on him. On his sixth birthday there was a tremendous explosion as his father came home in a fit of rage. Trying to drag Bruce away his mother thought back, in the process she was stabbed and killed. Though before his father could drag him away the military arrive and his father was arrested. Bruce since then was raised by his aunt and himself became interested in science. Particularly the use of radiation, both traditional radiation such but also the newly discovered Gamma energy. However like most brilliant scientists though he sought to make the world a better place he ended up working for the military as it was the only way he could secure funding. Working in the field of radiation this included the process of making a bomb. It took years to develop, the calculated yield was far higher than any nuclear ordinance ever tested. On the test run things went very wrong, a grad student Rick Jones for reasons beyond everyones comprehension was on the testing grounds and in the case of heroism Bruce ran out to save him. While Rick Jones was saved from the radiation of the blast Bruces body absorbed much of it. The radiation interacted with the drug cocktail his father had given him as a child and the Hulk was born. The Green Goliath appeared out of nowhere and terrorized the military base, Bruce Banner was found later and then admitted to a military hospital. The doctors presumed that in a daze he had wandered off the bomb range, as if he was pushed off by the blast wave he would have had substantial injuries however he appeared to be relatively unharmed. At the same time the military began the hunt for the giant that they dubbed the 'Hulk' a creature capable of catastrophic levels of damage. Nothing seemed to phase it, nobody appeared to connect the dots until the day General Thaddeaus Ross confronted Bruce Banner in his hospital bed. As his heart race his skin began to turn a green hue, and his bones snapped and cracked. Before long where Bruce had laid sat the Hulk, he tore through Ross and the hospital going on to destroy a reasonable portion of Vista Verde in the process. Throughout the next couple of months Bruce was on the run, managing to stay one step ahead of the military sometimes. Other times they caught up to him and engaged him, wherever the Hulk was seen destruction followed. Eventually Bruce sought to change things, seeking out the resources of Norman Osborne and OsCorp industries (Knowing that OsCorp had played around in biological engineering) in order to find a cure. Though in the process of going towards OsCorp the Hulk emerged and the Hulk got into a fight with the city itself and the U.S. Military. That was until two heroes, Ms.America and Thor (Tarene) interfered. The fight escalated and Hulk seemed to reach some form of equilibrium saving a family from falling rubble (from a well intended plan). Loki broke up the fight prematurely and teleported Hulk to Australia. Bruce spent some time there, after calming down. Began to settle himself in to spend time there all alone, thinking that he was finally somewhere where he wouldn't need to worry about the Hulk ever again. Weapon X had other ideas. As Wolverine infiltrated one of the Helicarriers and downloaded data on the Hulk, including his presumed location. Thanks to the range of abilities boasted by the team Weapon X had managed to assemble, Hulk (after causing a large amount of damage) finally fell to the hands of Weapon X. However Hulk wasn't one to be held long, in experimentation Bruce and Hulk managed to make a 'deal' and the two stormed out of the facility leaving naught but a crater behind. In the process of running Hulk came across Agent Parrington A.K.A Valkyrie who tried to sooth him, and appeared to do so before Hulk disappeared, and has not been seen since. [b]Season 1 Summary:[/b]See history. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b][hider=Bruce Banner] [i]Super Genius-Level Intellect: [/i]Doctor Bruce Banner is a super-genius in nuclear physics, possessing a mind so brilliant that it cannot be measured by any known intelligence test. Banner is regarded by Tony Stark as the greatest nuclear scientist on Earth. [i]Self-Restraint:[/i] When Banner is the Hulk he can influence the Hulk's behavior only to a very limited extent.In a kind of "Hulk/Banner" hybrid. It is unsure on how much they can influence eachother currently. [/hider] [hider=Hulk] [i]Transformation:[/i] In times of great stress, rage, fear or anything that hormonally increases heart rate and increases physical abilities in normal human beings instead transforms him into the Hulk. However as he can transform in times of calm (later, not currently) this indicates that there is something physological as well as physical. Due to the reaction being often related to stress it is almost night impossible to physically wound him without the Hulk appearing. It is not known how but when his rage subsides, or the "Hulk" relinquishes control or some unknown reasons the extra bodymass he gains during transformation is lost. As the Hulk his skin turns green and he turns into a 8'8", 2,400 lb goliath. [i]Strength:[/i] Hulk is best known for his strength that can affect his entire body. Though this is said to be almost unlimited due to varying factors such as the Hulks rage/stress/excitedness or indeed Gamma Radiation or Dark Magic fuels his strength. Though the physche of Bruce Banner can also affect the Hulk and can limit the Hulks strength, which is why the Hulk never actually kills anyone. Despite this the more enraged Hulk gets, the stronger he gets the less open he is to reason and the less coherent he is and the less he thinks about his actions. Which makes him dangerous, especially if he is against a certain target as he won't care about anyone/thing else in his way. - This also extends to his lungs that are able to inhale vast quantities of air (Though he hasn't figured out this yet). - Naturally this extends to his legs, allowing him to run great speeds for his size or jump vast distances. [i]Invulnrability:[/i] In addition to immense strength, the Hulk's body possesses a high degree of resistance to physical injury. The Hulk has survived tremendous amount of punishment throughout his career. The Hulk's skin is impervious to conventional blades, Adamantium and Vibranium being strictly the few known metals that can effectively pierce and penetrate his skin. However other beings of immense strength, such as Abomination or beings augmented such as the Hulkbuster armour can cause some physical damage. Strong blows to the head depending on his level of rage can also knock him out, and while he is usually impervious to gasses/tranquilizers sufficiently strong doses in high quantities can knock him out. [i]Regenerative Healing Factor:[/i] Despite the Hulk's high resistance to physical harm, it is possible to cause the Hulk injury. If he is caused injury it is possible for him to heal the wounds at great speeds, however he cannot regrow limbs lost limbs unless he is enraged to levels that he has not yet reached or is victim to a high enough dose of radiation. This healing factor is also the reason it is hard to use tranquilizers to knock him out as his body tries to counter the drugs, and does so rapidly. [i]Adaptive:[/i] It is possible for Hulk to faced extende periods of time in oxygen-less outer space/under water without suffocating, but he is also capable of speaking in these enviroments. However it is theorised that this is linked to his level of rage and he has yet to experience this. [i]Increased Psionic Resistance:[/i] In many instances the Hulk has demonstrated great psychic resistance as side-effect of his rage and the multiple personalities inside his mind. However it is capable, of using mental input to further enrage the Hulk or even enrage Bruce Banner to the point in becoming the Hulk.[/hider] [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] [i]Hulk v.s. Banner:[/i] Whose body is it? Does Banner keep Hulk from his body? Or does Hulk steal Banners? [i]Hulk CAPTURED:[/i] General Ross finally managed to get his hands on the Green Goliath. [i]Abomination:[/i] Emil Blonksy, first soldier, then supersoldier, then man obsessed, then monster. [i]It's a Gamma World:[/i] After Samuel Sterns becomes the Leader he has plans to make a race of beings in his image (Avenger tie in possible) [i]Green Avenger:[/i] (If FalCap comes off the Team) Hulk is convinced to join the Avengers, albeit begrudgingly. Working as part of a team doesn't come naturally, especially with the suspicion that seems to follow Hulk wherever he goes. [b]Notes:[/b] I want to retcon that last story with Doctor Crawford, I'm not happy with how I did it. So if everyone can just forget about that, it'd be great. Thanks.