[h3]The World[/h3] At the heart of a vine constricted maze begins the journey. Weak light pierces through the canopy of a quiet, windless forest in sporadic and far too spaced out patches. The ground is soft and smells spoiled, no doubt due to the recent rain and the rotted leaves puddled about the trees. Like giants these trees loom and sway slightly, almost on their own. With trunks thick enough to be mistaken for walls. Roots breaching above the surface of the ground. A hazy fog curls about, snaking through the area. It is against one of these behemoths that your character finds themselves pinned. By some magic or malice, the roots of the trees have bound the travelers to their trunks. All six are unconscious- perhaps dreaming. They are positioned in a circle, facing one another. At the center of this little clearing is enough light so that they can see one another. There are no creatures in the immediate area. Nor are there any demons. This part of the forest is safe, for now. [h3]The Guide[/h3] The Ghost had been walking aimlessly through the trees for some time now. Thinking of nothing. Feeling for nothing. Simply trudging forward with a notion that he should be looking for something. However he had no idea what this something was. Soon enough he came upon the 6. Their faces were so relaxed that he assumed they were dead. Or at least on their way to being so. Floating closer he soon found that they were in fact alive. But why were they bound to these trees? Perhaps he was intruding on a witches sacrifice again. He looked about for the runes to confirm this. When he found none, he was confused. “Wake up now.” He said, drifting over to the Pawn to inspect the roots binding her to the tree. If this was some spell then perhaps he could undo it by phasing through it? The Ghost tried this. Darting straight through the roots, the Pawn, and the tree entirely. Circling back to where ehe began, however, showed that this did nothing. “Stronger magic..” He commented aloud, dropping down to the ground and walking back to the center of the clearing. Studying their faces once again he came to a conclusion. They were definitely out of place here- the forest was rejecting their presence. The trees were probably trying to, albeit very slowly, absorb them. “Interesting situation you’re all in.” He said to no one in particular. The Ghost hovered slightly as he waited for them to wake up.