[center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TQnzgXCADuc/TH_PcB9qiNI/AAAAAAAAAM4/yvOzt_3mUb4/s1600/Chaos_symbol_by_Miscreant74.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=The Hive] [b]Nation Name:[/b] Hive of Kaor [b]Population and Demographics:[/b] 54 Solar Systems 18 Inhabited Worlds 300 billion Citizens (currently suffering from overpopulation) Kaorians: 75% Levuites: 15% Rantar: 2% Various Subjugated Peoples: 8% [b]Species:[/b] [hider= Kaorians] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-89QIS6vIMrY/VY2c5COuXHI/AAAAAAAAAS4/ZdM9w9VN9q4/s1600/1431020702559.png[/img] Kaorians are native to the planet Kaor, the homeworld of the Hive. They are bipedal humanoids that come in a variety of forms dictated at birth by the Nest Mother. The most common type of Kaorian is the drone. Drones stand at roughly six feet tall and weigh around two hundred pounds. Their hide is thick and scaly, providing a basic natural armor to protect them from the elements and predators. To this end, a drone's body is spattered with small spikes meant to defend vital points in their physiology. The talons protruding from the drone's feet is used to restrain struggling prey, who are often consumed alive for the enjoyment of the drone. Drones are not particularly intelligent due to a narrow educational system that exists only to prepare the drone for his particular lot in life. Ambition is frowned upon to prevent upturning of the regime. All Kaorian Drones are male, with their female counterparts being the Nest Mothers. Nest Mothers are born when the egg is successfully fertilized. Females are not as common in Kaorian society due to the innate competition that multiple females brings, and competition breeds instability. Nest Mothers are similar in biology to the drones. There are slight differences in appearance, such as purplish scales and smaller horns. When a female reaches maturity, she begins growing an eggsack. At this point, Nest Mothers are unable to capture their own food; thus, drones will hunt prey and bring it to the Nest Mother in the hopes of attracting her as a mate. If more than one male attempts to woo a female (which is rather typical), the males will challenge the others to a duel. At lower levels in society, the winner usually forces the other drone(s) to surrender. However, drones of higher standing customarily fight to the death; to retreat from a duel is to lose all honor. The higher echelons of society mirror those of the worker class. Male larvae fed a rare royal jelly produced by Hive Regents or the Queen on occasion are [/hider] [hider=Levuites] things [/hider] [hider=Rantar] morestuff [/hider] [b]System of Government:[/b] Spend at least 4 paragraphs explaining what form of government you use and how it works. You may include any details you feel needed. Be creative! [b]History:[/b] Spend at least 4 paragraphs telling us the general history of your nation. Important wars, how it came to be what it is today, and so on. [b]Culture:[/b] This is super-important. At least 6 paragraphs on culture. This includes religion and the such. [b]Important people, places, and organizations:[/b] This is self-explanatory. [b]Military size:[/b] For the typical species, a military cannot be larger than 7% of the total population. But if you have some special reason that it should be higher, I'll most likely allow it. [b]Military details:[/b] Describe the strength, organization, command-structure, and any other necessary details of your military. 3 paragraphs minimum. [b]Weapons tech:[/b] Go nuts! [b]General Technology:[/b] Really go nuts! For at least 3 paragraphs! [b]Economy:[/b] Are your people poor and starving? Rich and fat? Are you economically powerful enough to control other nations through wealth? Can you be controlled through wealth? [b]Spaceships:[/b] Please describe, in as much detail as possible, the sort of space vessel you use and how they operate. Don't forget to include the general size of these vessels, how many people they can carry, and what sort of weapons they use. This should be at least 4 paragraphs long. [/hider] [hider=Explorer Sheet Template] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Species[/b]: If you have not previously explained your species in the N.S., you should do so here in at least 4 paragraphs. [b]Gender[/b]: Assuming your species has gender, anyway. [b]Appearance[/b]: Descriptions are greatly preferred over pictures. [b]History[/b]: At least 4 paragraphs on the background of your character, how they came to be in their current position, and so forth. [b]Weapons[/b]: At least 2 paragraphs should be spent explaining, in detail, the sort of weaponry they carry [b]Personality:[/b] At least 4 paragraphs detailing the type of person your Explorer is. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Starship:[/b] I hope I'm not assuming too much when I figure your explorer will need a spaceship to get around. Describe it, or face the ban-hammer :lol [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] [/hider]