I went with something a bit different: [hider=The Virgin and Malachy Gallagher] [b]Vessel Name:[/b] [i]The Virgin[/i] [b]Vessel Type:[/b] Corvette [b]Vessel Class:[/b] Erin-class [b]Armament loadout:[/b] Lightly armed with low-caliber lasers, shit-tier miniguns, a cloaking field and a rather-powerful tractor beam. [b]Onboard vehicles:[/b] -Drop-ships x5 -Escape pods x10 -Land vehicles x20 [b]Crew:[/b] 300 men with 30 officers [b]Overview:[/b] The Virgin is primarily used as a patrol ship around the planet of Fomoria and replaced the old militia/pirate fleet after the Battle of Fomoria. However, much of the crew stayed the same. Built more for speed, scouting and precise attacks than full-on bombardments and chasing, the Virgin is widely regarded as the greatest scout in the small Fomorian fleet and has been credited as one of the biggest rivals to the Fomorian smuggling ring. The Virgin is approx. 250 foot long and is quite sleek and modern compared to other ships in the battered Fomorian Fleet. The crew of the Virgin were largely pulled from the crew of the old militia that once protected Fomoria from pirates and are one of the most experienced crews in the sector. The Fomorian Fleet is officially a part of the Eosian Navy and is slowly being upgraded, with the Virgin currently one of the "newest" ships (15 years old) [b]Captain:[/b] Malachy "Mac" Gallagher [b]M/F:[/b] M [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant Captain [b]Bio:[/b] Malachy Gallagher was born and bred on the planet of Fomoria, a colony planet far from Eos and one that is currently being pacified by the Eosian Army. For much of its history, Fomoria has been "protected" by a small, unable fleet of the Eosian Navy, which was riddled with corruption and laziness. The small planets protection largely fell to militias and mercenaries, who eventually formed the Fomorian Defence Navy. The FDN was made up of men of all ages and the ships were a mish-mash of civilian and pirate ships. The FDN was very successful in deterring pirates and lasted almost 150 years before being noticed by Eos. The Eosian Naval Command saw this militia as revolutionary in nature and had the leaders executed and the ships scrapped. Malachy Gallagher, a prominent member of the organisation, was offered a spot in the new Fomorian Fleet but was disappointed when he was relegated to command a small, if modern, corvette. As Fomoria brewed into open revolt and was crushed by the Eosian Naval Command, Malachy became disillusioned with Eos and longed for the days when the FDN protected Fomoria. He secretly aligned himself to a group of Fomorian politicians and naval captains who also felt disillusioned with Eos and was planning a revolution when Vranas went missing with the Nemesis. The Virgin, which had become famous in the Fomorian Fleet for its superior scouting abilities, was offered up to assist in the search of the [i]Nemesis[/i] and Malachy reluctantly took up the job, putting all plans of a revolution on hold.[/hider]