[center][img]http://gambit.hepforge.org/gambit_logo.png[/img][/center] [h1][b]Issue #0: Prologue[/b][/h1] [i]Pt. 1 "Five Nights In Paradise"[/i] [hr] [hr] [b]Location: Manhattan, NY. Time: 21:25 [/b] It was night time at the docks. A very secret place for a drug deal. But, this drug wasn't just any drug. [b]Obitox[/b] it was apparently called. A new type of drug that was very, very addictive. The side effects of this drug were many, going from hallucinations to slow motion effects. It is very deadly, resulting in the person on this drug taking too much of it or making that person hallucinate horrible things, making them go psychotic and on a possible murderous rampage. A group of thugs with bullet proof vest and combat styled clothing were walking around three cargo boxes. The thugs were also carrying assault rifles. "Aye, Jimmy. When the heck are they finna show up?" One of thugs with the aviator glasses on asked the tan thug with the buzzcut, who was apparently Jimmy. "How many times do I gotta tell you, mayne? They'll be here soon!" He snapped at the one with the aviator glasses. One had a cigar in his mouth, and a baseball cap. He was leaning on one of this big red cargo boxes. The other was scratching his neck, yawning. There were 5 other thugs around as well, walking around. Suddenly, a playing card floated in the air, descending slowly while swaying left and right as the air pushed it do so. It was blazing with a sort of glowing purple aura. "Hm?" The thug in the aviator glasses said. He, Jimmy, and the other thug with the cigar in his mouth walked over. The card started making the noise of TNT when the string on top of it is lit. Suddenly... *BOOOM!!* The card exploded, causing a purple explosion and throwing the three thugs back as they yelled in surprise! Remy LeBeau, or rather Gambit dropped down landing on his knee. He pulled a small silver baton out of his trench coat pocket and it extended into a staff! The thug known as Jimmy was unconscious, but the other two and the rest of the thugs ran over! They saw Gambit's black eyeballs with the red glowing fires for pupils. They stepped back, in shock then recovered and raised their guns. [color=92278f]"I'm afraid dis is a drug bust. So I suggest ya put ya guns down and surrender."[/color] Gambit spoke, he sounded mostly like a regular American but with a dash of a Cajun accent in his voice. "There's 6 of us, and one of you. Like we'd surrende-" The thug was instantly quiet, as Gambit had threw a playing card in his chest! The impact of the explosion from the card threw the thug back into the cargo of drugs. Gambit then smacked his staff into one's chin, knocking him down. Another thug fired his assault rifle at Gambit! Gambit deflected the bullets with his staff, then threw three playing cards at the thug! The explosion made him practically fly, and spin around. He landed face first, and groaned in pain. Gambit span his staff, as another thug ran at him. He smacked the thug's gun out of aim, then rammed his knee into the thug's chest, knocking the wind out of his chest. Gambit then slammed the staff into the thug's cheek. Gambit charged energy into his own staff, the tip of it glowing the purple aura like his throwing cards. He then thrusted it into another's thug chest, sending him flying backwards. The last thug shot Gambit in the back, Gambit raised his eyebrow and turned around. [color=92278f]"Ya do realize wearing body armor, right?"[/color] He then ran at the thug, and rammed his the edge of his staff in the thug's neck. The thug fell into the pule of drugs. Gambit grabbed his neck, and pulled him close. [color=92278f]"Now, you're gon' tell me who supplied ya with these drugs."[/color] He said, with a calm but scary tone. The thug sputtered, and answered. "I - I dunno, man. Only our boss knows!" Gambit then heard a group coming closer. This was drug deal. [color=92278f]"Lucky.."[/color] He then cocked his hand back and punched the thug in the nose, leaving him unconscious. He then charged a playing card with energy, and dropped it on the cargo of drugs. [color=92278f]"One down, five t' go."[/color] He ran off into the night. A smile spread across his face. The group of people finally came to the now chaotic looking spot. "What happened here!?" He said, he came here to buy drugs. Not to see an aftermath of a warzone!The thugs were knocked out, and he saw a half burnt up playing card on the ground. He picked it up and it made a sizzling noise. "Oh, s@#%! Run!" He told his entourage as it exploded. Throwing them all back, and taking the drugs down with it.