Lusso coughed hard upon being freed. The clear red mark of where the chains bit her skin was noticeable on her neck, wrists and ankles as she vied for support on all our fours, trying to get back to her feet. Ultimately, Lusso's muscles where too sore to allow her to stand, instead she propped her back against the wooden wall and let her limbs hang limp for a little while, to allow blood circulation to work its magic. "I'm grateful for the help, but who might you all be?" Lusso asked with slightly hoarse voice as she eyed the whole group before her. Strange individuals, for sure, "I get it that all of you are prisoners of this mansion as well, at least it's good to know that we aren't the only ones." As Lusso said so, the raven that was perched over the fireplace flew and landed on her lap, cawing nonchalantly as Lusso raised a hand to pet it. Only now that the light hit it from the right angle, one could noticed that the bird of ill omen had not one, but two pairs of beady rubies for eyes, feathers as dark and lustrous as polished jet and a beak that was more akin to a pair of serrated shears. Clearly, that wasn't a normal bird.