Steel holds many advantages over flesh, this is no large secret. Far more difficult to damage let alone destroy if forged properly, capable of withstanding forces that would crush something of similar weight were it made of your average biological tissue, and generally very capable of surviving repeated exposure to blows while taking little to no damage outright, save for the occasional surface scratch or dent. This barbarian had outright drop kicked conventional wisdom through three feet of concrete when he decided to tear through metal with naught but his bare hands and the will to do as such. The Gnome’s body was ravaged, almost all of his limbs missing or severely damaged, his head turned to scrap and tossed about every which way, much of his hardware clipped and torn into solitary bits of wire and silicone. Without some form of divine intervention Billuh would not be leaving this cave, though he wasn’t keen on allowing his opponent to simply walk away from this with a few broken ribs and stubby arms. He couldn’t see, but in a cavern this wouldn’t be so much an issue as it may have been outside --, not with what he had planned for his final, desperate attempt at delivering two souls rather than one to the Valkyries this day. Billuh had felt his opponent freeze up after his blow had landed upon him, temporarily locked into a vice though otherwise unmoving, likely unaware of his surroundings if but for a fleeting second. Wrapping his one remaining leg around the giant’s torso, in so much as such a disproportionately small creature could manage, and counting on his opponents vice to hold the two locked together in mid-air despite the Gnome’s intentions. Billuh’s steam ports along the right hand side of his torso burst forth, in an attempt to flip the two and send them spiraling through the air, and then what he assumed was down, toward the earth at rapidly increasing speeds. Whether or not Billuh had actually sent them toward the ground it hardly mattered, in every direction there was a significant amount of solid rock and, even if they were inadvertently heading back the way they came literal tons of concrete. The Beardforce would presumably serve as it had before to offer seemingly supernatural degrees of speed to the two combatant’s descent, as if compelling the air to offer no resistance and, if anything, force the combatants further, faster, propelling them towards some form of brutally solid surface somewhere close by upon which, if Billuh’s attempt were not stopped, the two would crash at incredible speed, head first. Gonad may well be able to rend steel with brute strength and nothing else, send his opponent crashing at speed through cement and solid rock, capable even of preforming seemingly impossible feats of aerial combat and acrobatics that for all intents and purposes defied the laws of physics by simple merit of being unaware of such laws and paying them no heed, but could he survive hitting the ground at speeds approaching those small aircraft would be envious of head first? Billuh almost certainly could not, even though if everything went as he intended the human, being far larger, would probably hit first, somewhat cushioning the smaller combatant’s blow to some degree. It wouldn’t matter. This kind of impact could pancake a semi --, what chance would a half ruined robot have of avoiding the same fate? Of course, if his opponent regained his senses he might well release his vice over the Gnome in time to avoid the worst of the collision, or even stop it outright through some clever physical maneuver fashioned to remove the speeding, steam spitting robot from his person before reaching speed of any true importance. It was still the best chance, the only chance really, for the Gnome to avoid becoming the only soul leaving this cavern today, and he was taking it. “[b]HRAH!! BILLUH BOB GNOME!![/b]”