Awakening from what seemed of nothing but a dream that I could not remember, yet could feel its frigid horror pull at my subconscious, I sprang up with a terrified expression and heavy breathing. The fear diminishing as I was now faced with a labyrinth of an area before me. A massive hallway with doors that seemed to have no end, however curved and darted this way and that. As I came to I could hear the talking of perhaps a girl nearby. It dawned on me that I had no idea who I was or what I was doing, but I remembered one thing, my name was William. Blinking as I examined my body, bare feet yet sporting fresh clothes of simple black pants and white shirt with a solid dark cape and hood draping over me. Moving my pale hands in my vision for a bit before I realized how thirsty I was. I felt as though I was in the middle of the desert as dehydration tugged at my throat. I didnt want to interact with others, but I needed something to drink to quench the urge, I didnt want to die after all. Navigating through the walls and pinpointing the sounds of footsteps and speech I'd eventually come across a strange group. I could make out several human-looking people, except one had a coned hat upon her head. I then noticed more strange features of the group like a person who resembled a fish and an unidentifiable monstrosity. It was bad enough to socialize but these oddities made the situation send me more red flags about these strangers. However I could hear the rushing of water and one of the first things I noticed past them was running water. I gulped and kept mostly hidden by a wall, creeping a peek and watching them. Essentially, I could just wait for them to leave and take the water, though I'm not sure how long I can last without it. Furthermore they might know who I am. Debating my options for a while, social anxiety held its sway and I remained somewhat hidden, albeit I was not good at sneaking or hiding, I could probably stick out like a sore thumb if any of, whatever these people are, looked my way. My eyes showed nothing but the expression of a scared and weak child.