Ig walked threw the mostly deserted south west part of the city, it was late out and there weren't too many people around. He kicked a partially flattened beer can, which he had been kicking since he left the show, and headed in the direction of the mall. He'd been at a punk show that had just ended not too long ago and the adrenalin from the show still coursed through him and his ribs still ached from the small fight he'd gotten into outside. It had been a friendly fight, he'd shared a few beers and a joint with the other guy afterwards. For Ig a good fight every now and then helped him feel more relaxed and more connected to himself, the same way some people felt after meditation. His mom had requested he tried the whole meditation thing once, a lot of boring sitting around and breathing, it was like torture. The best way to truly feel alive was punk show, beer, and fight. He gave the can one last kick into a gutter as the parking lot of the mall came into view and he hoped he had made it before the mall closed. Ig wanted to buy some overpriced treats for Rollins and there was a store in the mall that had the dog's favorites. He searched through the pockets of his jacket until he found a pack of cigarettes. He lit up his cigarette and took a long drag as he felt rumble through the ground. His first though was an earthquake, a fairly common occurrence in California, but his instincts told him differently. He saw a flickering of lights in what looked like an empty parking lot and then an unearthly metallic spacecraft. Ig immediately thought this had to be some kind of movie being filmed or a maybe a prank show but as far as he could see there was only a small crowd of people and no cameras anywhere. He took another drag of his cigarette before flicking it away from him and sprinting towards the spacecraft. Either he was about to be on TV or he was going to see an actual alien. He stopped just an few feet from the door of the ship and admired the ship, it was cool. Someone in the small group that had formed around the craft asked if there were people inside. “People or Extra Terrestrials?” He said with child-like excitement as he impulsively walked towards the door and tried to help the door which was struggling to open. The glow of other worldly light shown through the edges around the door. “If someone's trapped inside we should help.” He said as he tried to get a glimpse inside the ship.