[Center][h2][color=EE00EE]Kiragi Yoshikazu[/color] - [color=990099][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn626l-laYM]Cognitive Dissonance[/url][/color][/h2][/center] It was quite the turn of events as everyone began introducing themselves after me, and some faces were better met with content than others. One whom I didn't particularly enjoy was the Ultimate Assassin. It goes without saying that I'd be at odds with her as she kills and I save lives. Granted, I don't really care at the same, as she is merely a harbinger of death, killing those whom destiny has decided can live no longer. Then there was Maria, that nun... Something about her made me feel uneasy. Had I done something and failed to save one of her family members? No, I'm certain I haven't operated on any nuns or religious individuals of importance, and seeing as she is the Ultimate in her religious attitude and beliefs, I can only assume she will never be the killer. In my own opinion, none of these other students appear to be willing to kill, and they're even talking about finding a way to escape. It was quite foolish in my eyes. There must be a reason that bear is leaving us unattended, and I doubt he'd make the fatal mistake of giving us an exit point. If he was truly serious about wanting us to murder each other, he would be sure to make it so none can escape. But that was hardly a problem. There was an engineer who could build us various contraptions to waste time, maybe even build a device to help me while I preform surgery. An Actress could pass the time too. We'd have the best clothes from the fashion designer. The chef would make us exquisite meals. They could have a life of luxury here if they saw it, even if it may grow stale. I know my fellow classmates won't attempt to murder anyone, so I'm rather fine with this situation. So when Liisi requests I explore with her, I humbly smile back after Donovan's response. [color=EE00EE]"It would be an honor to accept request. I only ask we try to find an infirmary room on chance someone attempts to injure another."[/color]