[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Amanda%20Stone&name=Redressed.ttf&size=70&style_color=C22F25[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8t0u8paoE1rv8fmi.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center][indent][indent]Amanda wasn't completely sold on the fact that Christian wasn't a double agent, or not but she certainly was a good actress. She hated playing against Christian but after the things she was told within his absence, she didn't know who to believe right about now. His hugs brought back so many memories that Amanda didn't really need to think about right now. His touch was certainly something that she had missed and she didn't hesitate to show it with a soft smile and the blush upon her cheeks. When she was alone for a moment while Christian was getting ready, she breathed slowly in and out to make sure she stayed relaxed. Amanda saw Christian coming down the hall and immediately straightened up, she followed him outside with a soft smile, going towards his blue Honda Civic. Hearing his question, she chuckled with a nod of her head, grabbing his keys. [color=c23023][b]"Of course. Pfft, like I'll really let you drive."[/b][/color] She said while twirling the key chain around her index finger with a smile and immediately getting into his car, adjusting it to fit her perfectly. [color=c23023][b]"I am impressed, honestly. You've grown up so fast."[/b][/color] Amanda said in a voice, pinching Christian's cheek with a chuckle coming from her afterwards. [color=c23023][b]"Oh, my notebook is in my bag. Let me get it."[/b][/color] Amanda pulled over on the side of the road and got out of the car, rummaging through her bag and pulling out her notebook. She got back in and handed it to Christian along with a flash drive. [color=c23023][b]"Here, use this so we can keep your IP address hidden from unknown sources."[/b][/color] Amanda said while pulling back on the road. After driving around for a few minutes or hours, she listened to Christian's directions on how to get to where their destination was. Erica was in Maine. Of course, why didn't Amanda think of that? She was extremely good at tracking people down and she knew exactly where Erica was in Maine, since they have talked a few times before and Erica often told her where she would head off to if she even needed to run away. [color=c23023][b]"Christian, stop talking. I know exactly where she is."[/b][/color] After she spoke those words, she told Christian to hold on as she made a wide turn towards the ramp, going towards Maine. After driving through various sections of Maine, she came across the bus stop. She parked a few distances away and eyed the building. [color=c23023][b]"She is going to be here soon. I can feel it, Christian."[/b][/color] She eyed him then continued on driving and parked the car in a parking lot nearby. [color=c23023][b]"We need to go undercover but wearing regular, comfortable clothes."[/b][/color] Amanda explained while looking at Christian. The sky was darkening by the minute it seemed and she was ready for action. Amanda leaned over and hugged Christian. [color=c23023][b]"Good luck."[/b][/color] She said after handing him an earpiece then got out of the car. She made her way through the bus stop, unseen and she stood behind the building against a wall. [color=c23023][b]"Come in, Christian. Come in, Christian. Did you spot her yet?"[/b][/color] She asked him within the earpiece, awaiting his response. She knew once Erica spotted herself or Christian, she'd run to higher ground so that's exactly the reason why Amanda was waiting outside and behind the building.[/indent][/indent]