[H1] Unyat[/h1] Unyat slithered through the thick grass of the field well below the entrance to the cave where the voice of some woman was echoing out. He was weaving his way through the scarecrow statues. As he did, curiosity got the better of him and he stopped face to face with one of the black scarecrows. The Nglui crawling on him slid down and off slithering through the grass trying to eat any small creatures that where unlucky enough to be near by. Unyat studied the black statue very closely, withdrawing his Black Lexicon and started sketching in exacting detail with a thin tentacle and a sharp lump of charcoal. He began to lightly touch the scarecrow and simultaneously began to take notes and draw, jotting down ideas of what the statues are made of or what their purpose might be. Unyat withdrew his knife and dug it into the earth drawing several arcane circles and preformed several simplistic rituals that where supposed to reveal its secrets. [color=lightcoral]"Urah Ithasa Gatrag"[/color] As he breathed the words vile black magic welled up through him but the rituals where not strong enough to give Unyat any kind of information. he cursed in annoyance but did not feel the statues where important enough to warrant more complex rituals. After several minutes of study he believed that he knew all he would about the statue unless he smashed it or something interesting happened with it. He tucked the tome of knowledge away and called for the Nglui with an inaudible command passed through their minds, as they returned their bellies full of insects and rodents that could not escape. As he made his final preparations he heard something above and behind him, the voice of a female exclaiming at the view. He looked up studying her with a mild curiosity as he could feel bit of magical sense from her and her compatriots. "Interesting" he mutters to himself.