[hider=Mithias] Name: Mithias Age: Happens to be 709. Looks around 27. Gender: Male. Species: Vampire Appearance: Mithias an pass for human, but definitely draws attention if anyone pays attention for too long. He is around 6'2" with a fit build. His skin is as you can imagine very light. He has unique long, straight black hair that ends unevenly around lower-back, and his eyes are a flashy, gold-yellow. Usually he keeps his eyes hidden, but if seen briefly, one might think they are probably just a bright genetic variation of hazel color... it's probably related to his apparent skin disease. *person goes back to whatever they were doing* Other than that, you really don't expect Mithias to hang out in the daylight. In a public place, he'd probably be wearing a modern suit. Humans usually don't bother a busy businessman. He changes with the common fashion of the times. Shirt and tie, t-shirt and ripped jeans, leather jacket and riding boots... whatever is acceptable to the creatures around him, although he prefers to be the one better dressed. Top hats were nice, but they've been out of style for a long time. If Mithias is intentionally avoiding humans, he'll probably wear a long back jacket and jeans. Jeans are an amazing material. Background: It was the decline of the era of the Templar knights. The holy land had been lost, more than once, and the Turks had forced the order entirely out of the Middle East. Despite a blackening name and recent losses in war, the Templars were actually quite successful on another front. It was back home in what is now modern western Germany where Mithias and his order served God, King, and Pope by defending humanity itself. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, The Templar Knights had a secretive sect that was specifically charged with hunting down supernatural beings. Witches, undead, abhorrent spirits, werewolves (or shifters), and of course vampires, were their targets. These occult hunters took their orders directly from His Holiness. Their ranks were usually filled by family members alone, yet rarely a gifted outsider would pass initiation. It was this inheritance and line of work that brought Mithias across the path of the vampire that would change him forever. Mithias was a young man, a hunter, a knight, and also soon to be a father. He lived in a small town near the boarder with France. One day, he attracted the attention of a particularly powerful vampire, by comitting an unexpected act. He questioned his purpose. Rather than killing a young vampire, as his order commanded of him, he secretly let her go. Witnessing that incident, the elder vampire took an interest in him, leading him on futile chases into the wilderness several times and playing games with him. Mithias never had any chance of catching him, not really, and eventually, they began having conversations. The human was an interesting subject. One day, the vampire tricked him into enthralling himself and manipulated him. The conclusion of this little dance however was rushed the day the Templars were abolished. It was Friday the 13th, October, when Mithias' life was turned upside down. The Pope had denounced them. Knights and anyone associated with them were being attacked, killed, their lands and gold confiscated, and their families imprisoned on suspicion of heresy and treason. Mithias fled but could not stop his pregnant wife from being taken. Knowing she would be tortured and imprisoned he was desperate for help. He turned to the only one he knew who might aid him, the mysterious one in the woods at night who existed above all this human mayhem. In short, the vampire delighted in Mithias' plea. The formed an unwritten pact of blood and Mithias was given the power to save his family. He rescued his wife and saw her to safety and protected her. He killed anyone in his path. Time went by. Evelyn soon died of disease and his orphan son had to be raised by a church with nothing but a name given to him. It was difficult for Mithias to be a father looking as he did, needing blood, but Mithias was still ever grateful to the vampire that had changed him. He was able to oversee his family lineage from the shadows for many, many generations. He literally spent hundreds of years following them, keeping track of the ever growing tree and paying little attention to the rest of the world. A lot of his energy was spent on assuring their survival and success, protecting them from the supernatural forces he had become so familiar with but also with keeping himself fed and settled and closely monitoring the corruption of the large human organizations in the area. Kings and Popes and wars came and went. Plagues, the Renaissance, the colonization era and industrialization... Mithias bore witness and influenced here and there. If Mithias could have taken out Hitler, he would have, but he had already relocated to the US and traveling overseas as a vampire was a bit difficult, not to mention the army Hitler was surrounded by. Same goes for other evil dictators. Humans, Mithias concluded, bore an innate evil that was just as bad if not worse than the witches and vampires etc. that they despised. After 30 generations or so, following all members of a family becomes impossible, even for a vampire. Mithias had to give up. He had spent an unlife in love and had learned a lot. Now it was time, he felt, to take his place as the immortal supernatural entity that he was, an overseer, a watcher, and a protector of balance. All humans became in his eyes his potential descendants, and yet, he could not bear the threat they posed in their ever growing population and power in technology and science to what little remained of magic and other species. Internally, he struggles with morality and defining his new role. Current Life: Mithias has established himself in a small private mansion in the upstate wilderness of NY where he runs an investment firm using multiple aliases and primarily online only interactions, and he's got a big charity thing going with the red cross. That keeps him going while he attends to his other, actual interests. Mithias studies the arcane. His first interaction with magic was as a young naive knight back at his initiation ceremony in 1298, which mind you was very poorly done by over-zealous religious fanatics in the middle of the night while high on psychedelic mushrooms and alcohol. Ahem, but some of it was real. Human arcanists and alchemists were only in their earliest stages of understanding in their fields back then, and granted, Mithias was only the equivalent of a soldier, not a bookworm. Once he became a vampire, Mithias realized immediately that he had some kind of unexplained inclination to magic that he hadn't realized before. He could charm and mesmerize others. It took a few centuries for him to quit worrying about his family before he officially began to study it, but I'll cover what he's learned in the spells section. His sources of study have been other supernaturals, books, personal experiments, and historical research. He did do a stint of world traveling in the era of world colonialism, around the 1500's, to further his knowledge. So of course it attracted his attention when he became aware of a private investigation firm that focused on magic and the occult. After looking into them for himself, Mithias was shocked at how much knowledge they had discovered and collected and how advanced their team members were in their specialties. Keeping a lot of his own knowledge and past private initially, he approached them with a letter explaining that he wanted to offer his services, but that they would have to accept that he wasn't human. His true goal was twofold. He wanted to learn more about magic, just out of natural scientific curiosity. Mithias is the kind to grow and change with the times. But also, the guardian in him wanted to make sure this human organization didn't amass too much power and fall to corruption down the road. He had to keep an eye on them. I'd be ok with having Mithias know anybody's characters or have a history with them if anybody wants. Personality: Mithias is moral, protective of the innocent and weak, vivacious, and curious. He was a knight, afterall. Unlike many other vampires, Mithias is comfortable with his nature and has accepted it. He pretty much drinks only human blood, but feeds exclusively on the wicked and they dying or donated blood. He cares very much about where his meals come from, but will chose to survive if he is forced to feed on an innocent or an animal. Is he evil? Is a lion evil for eating a baby waterbuffalo? That alone can't define him. He isn't decided whether or not there's a god, but in all his years no god has made itself evident to him. He considers that perhaps vampires are gods who just don't realize it, stewards of humankind, judges and cullers, rulers of the night. But not everything that lives is human and not every being with magic is vampiric. There is so much more to know, and curiosity drives him. He would like to know where arcane power comes from, what vampirism is, and what are the heights of such power. Schools of Study: Arcanology, Hunter. Specialization: Pyrokinesis/heat manipulation, plus his vampiric ability to ward his mind. Maybe that's a form of psyonics? Spells: Charm and Mesmerize - Personally, I'm not big on this, but it seems to be an inherent ability for vampires. Mind Ward - Can resist attempts by other vampires, or witches, fey, whatever, to try to influence his self control. This includes possession, domination, control, emotional manipulation, suggestion, telepathy, and illusions. This power is very strong, and so far, Mithias believes it cannot be overpowered, but there could be a being powerful enough to get through it. Fire Starter- Can start and stop fires. Flame Shield - Mithias can redirect intense heat or flame away from him, bending it to avoid burning himself should he get too close. Heat Sink - An offshoot of his pyrokinesis is heat manipulation. Mithias can concentrate or disperse heat in any location he concentrates on. He can boil water, or freeze water. He can do this through walls, even though he may not be able to see what he is affecting. Abilities: Vampire - Vampire speed and strength and senses. One with the Machine - Likes to drive cars, motorcycles, big machinery, and small planes. Ex-Knight - Can ride horses, but doesn't. Voice of the Soul - Vampire-level good at violin. Twin Fangs - Vampire-level swordskill. Undead Tasebuds - Terrible cook. Too-old-for-this-shit - Speaks a few European languages, but not all equally well. (German, English, French, Spanish) Secret Sadist - Knows how to use a whip. Weaknesses: Judeo-Christian holy stuff. Holy water. Weakened by holy ground. Slowed, pained, and half-blind in sunlight. Equipment: He wears a necklace with a small silver cross under his shirt that actually burns him constantly. He has access to some guns or weapons. Has a motorbike. His books and computers would of course be at his primary home. He's memorized the little magic he knows so far. Cellphone. Other: Mithias had some involvement in stopping Dracula, he's not sure he doesn't regret it. His vampire sire was extremely good at mental manipulation. [/hider]