[hr][hr][center][h2][color=crimson]Cillian O'Houlihan[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] Cillian’s eyes followed the tossed bottle as it made its way over the fire and into the sand. His eye twitched as he thought about its implications. Rook was a bastard, a conniving bastard with little regard for privacy or dignity. The Brawler tightened his bandages thoughtfully as he stared at the bottle sitting in the sand. [color=8888aa]"Does she seem angry to you? I mean more so than usual.”[/color] Cillian heard as his focus loosened. He looked up at Rook, the fire reflecting in Cillian’s dark eyes, [color=crimson] "How am I supposed to know?”[/color] He resented Rook knowing so much about him, and a part of him wondered if he could induce memory loss without killing someone. That thought disturbed him only slightly, if it had been directed at anyone else he would have been worried. He picked up the bottle and smelled its contents, the piercing aroma seemed alright (he placed the proof somewhere around 40-50%). He took a swig, corked it, and tossed it back, where it fell in the sand. Cillian noticed Grace appear from the darkness, like a nymph exiting it' pool. He couldn’t help but feel a welling of admiration and delight as he watched her swaggered gait kick up dust in the pulsing firelight. He watched the darkness behind her as she approached, expecting to see the rest. As she sat Cillian prodded the bonfire, bringing more strength to the flames. As Grace finished her explanation of the events Cillian stuck the prodding stick in the coals of the fire and smiled at her. [color=crimson]“Flower picking, eh?”[/color] Cillian said to her knowingly. [color=crimson]“I never thought you could be so worked up by botany. Next time I want to see you annoyed, I’ll bring a cactus flower.”[/color] She was lying. Whatever had made her so angry as to wake him up couldn’t be explained away as something as harmless as picking flowers. No, she was right the first time, he could tell, she didn’t want to say anything in front of Rook, for some reason. It mattered little for Cillian, if this secret of hers could provide an advantage over Rook or Emmett he wanted to hear it. [color=crimson]”Sorry for waking you, Rook, you should get some more sleep.”[/color] he said as he steadied his voice, attempting to remain casual. He was certain that he wasn’t tipping his hand or being overly pushy. To further alleviate the issue and move past the discussion Cillian stood up. He began stretching his arm muscles aside the bonfire as he spoke. [color=crimson]”I’ll probably go on a quick patrol of the perimeter. Some of the things out here are drawn in by noises of distress.”[/color] He smirked at Grace as he went into a crouch and began stretching his legs. [color=crimson]“Wanna join me, big-mouth?”[/color]