[hr] [b][h1][i][color=#8B5F65]Livrelle Rienne Alendier[/color][/i][/h1][/b] [hr] [hider=Tribe Society - Kings][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU7co2-yn_Q[/youtube][/hider][sub][@Mr Allen J][/sub] [hr] [i][u]Oakdell Harbor, Snowhill Hospital.[/u][/i] As she performed the operation, Livrelle looked closely at the other musculoskeletal system. She was already seeing into the alternate universe where this system looked how it was supposed to. Flawless. Something that the people around her could not see and it always worried them during an operation. They were left with thoughts of “What the heck is she doing?” and “Isn’t she supposed to [i]not[/i] do that?”. However, Livrelle knew exactly what she was doing and the amount of time she had to do it. “Atraumatic suction tube.” she says, holding out her right hand for someone to give her the tool that moment. “Wh-what. Wouldn’t tha-” Livrelle cuts her off and averts her eyes, looking at the woman that had just spoken. “Waste my time? That’s not OK. Not OK at all. Give me the suction tube [i]now.”[/i] Her words left her mouth quickly and wasted no time in getting to the point. With that, the woman hands her the tool and she continues on with the process. Every single time they would question her methods and [i]every single time[/i] they were left with great results. Great? No no. Not great. Perfection. And this was just a spine surgery operation. Not that it was any less important but it was far easier to do than the other operations that she was subjected to. [hr] [i][u]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast.[/u][/i] Livrelle had finished faster than usual and the spine was back to how it originally was before. [i]Perfection.[/i] She just loved it. Throwing away the gloves which were covered in blood, she sighed. A slight headache arose as she took off her mask. Soon enough she had on a new pair of latex gloves on and her assistant came around. “Ms. Alendier. The results were fantastic as always. Th-they're not even possible. It's as if nothing was ever wrong.” said the timid woman said with a smile. “What? Of course they were. They [i]always[/i] are.” her expression didn't change as she looks over at her assistant from the corner of her eye and continues walking. Alison smiles in agreement and doesn't say another word. “I’m off for the rest of the day. Have Mr. Klark’s diagnostic tests by tomorrow. Please. Thank you.” her words are spaced out, as if she wasn’t used to using them at all. She knew of manners but she just always forgot to say them right away. With that, she went right past the woman with a slight nod as thanks. Walking out of the building, she had on a lengthy gray trench coat that went past her upper body and nearly past her knees but not quite there. If you were to look at the meaningless details of the trench coat you could tell that it was in fact meant for men. The garments buttoned left over right instead of reverse or the fact that while women button theirs right over left or the fact that the left flap goes under the buttoned storm patch allowing the water should slide from the man’s right shoulder. However, pointless details are fruitless and have no reason to be addressed. Her parents would have said differently with their [i]“A lady must appear poise and proper. Not too proper though. Just enough innocence to have them wanting you but not so that they’ll be afraid of tainting you.”[/i] Half of the time she had no idea what she was talking about when she mentioned these things and the other half she just didn’t want to understand. Beneath the trench coat was a simple black top that was just up to her elbows. The streets always seemed to be less busy when she just got out of an operation. Why must they always question my methods? 9 seconds. I wasted 9 seconds speaking to that woman about how [i]I[/i] was capable to do my job properly. She’s an amateur. A simple woman that doesn’t understand how my powers work so I mustn’t get angry. Walking in her raven black pants and in a pair of black Oxfords, her expression was irritated and bored at the same time. Livrelle took out a cigarette and quickly a lighter followed. She light the cigarette before taking a nice long drag with her eyes nearly closed. It was becoming peaceful. The streets around her were tranquil for the time being and nothing mattered. She looked up at the sky as she walked down the street. Those moments when nothing around you mattered only lasted for 3 seconds tops. Looking back down and realizing that she was still in a shit town no matter how pretty the sky looked at 2 pm in the afternoon. The litter around her and the idiots as well. Livrelle stepped out of the alleyway and took another drag before she lifted an eyebrow and looked at the hybrid which had many features that stood out. It was really a sight to behold. She had heard of hybrids but she never actually got to see one up close like this. The exoskeleton around the female was something that she found amazing, even the antennas. Livrelle then took a look at the men around her that had a insignia that would raise alarm. “Bloody fuckin hell.” she murmured as she stepped in front of the hybrid and tilted her neck, her bangs moving to the side as she popped her neck. She was bored either way and if they were human, she'd have to try and take them. If they were meta's well, she was screwed. “So. What’s the problem here you fuckers. Doesn’t seem like she’s doing anything wrong.”