[h2][center][color=green]OPEN to Applications[/color][/center][/h2] [center][h3]- Dr. Nidhogg's Academy of Dragonology -[/h3][/center] To whom this letter has reached, It has come to our attention that you possess a rather uncommon skill, one which will serve you well in the coming challenges. If you are reading this letter then you must know of your new found skill. Our messenger dragons are quite the chatty bunch. If you are so inclined there is a position available to you and a select few others to join an ancient group of extremely privileged people. To do so you must take this letter and dispose of it immediately however that you see fit. If you do not wish to be a part of this simply dismiss this letter and it will disappear on its own. You have a twenty-four hour window for immediate disposal of this letter. Dr. Nidhogg Headmaster of the Academy of Dragonology Dr. Nathaniel Nidhogg II [hr] Viviana held the piece of parchment in her hand looking strangely at it. Yes or no? Would she go? She looked around at the small, no tiny, efficiency apartment that she had managed to snag and walked to the counter in the kitchen. She had to, she had just been thinking about how much she needed a break from life. This was the perfect opportunity. She snagged a lighter from the shelf near by and lit the corner of the parchment, dropping it down into the stainless steel sink. [i][color=plum]Yes.[/color][/i]She thought as she watched the flames consume the document, they were a beautiful shade of purple just slightly darker than lavender. She washed the ashes down the drain and headed to pack her bags, thinking of the strange lavender colored creature that had delivered it. The creature appeared to have been a dragon but perhaps her mind had deceived her and it was merely a strange bird of some kind. She was fairly sure that she had seen scales though, and what kind of bird was lavender colored. It had sailed through the open window of her apartment like the pigeons sometimes did, it was about a two feet long with a much larger wingspan and was beautiful, its irises a brilliant but soft shade of glimmering pink. It had landed on the coffee table at her feet with a sheer elegance she had not seen before. '[color=peachpuff]For you m'lady.[/color]' came the strange voice and then it had bobbed its iridescent head and taken off back out the window, disappearing from her sight. [hr] Characters for this roleplay will be in their twenties, we will begin shortly after they have arrived at the school via secret portal locations around the globe. Shortly after their arrival and welcome to the school they will be heading to the incubation cavern. Before we get to this scene though I will be PMing everyone their dragon egg. The PM will contain a picture of the egg and the species of dragon it contains. The dragons will be appointed randomly from a generator. I will assign each species a number and then allow the computer to select a number which will be your dragon. Bear with me it is for the sake of the plot, everybody gets a cool dragon don't worry. This roleplay will be focusing primarily on student-student interactions and student-dragon interactions. There won't be much time, if any at all spent inside the class room. The character sheet skeleton will be listed below, please bold the section titles if you would and use hiders for the photos to keep things neat. I would appreciate if everyone would post them here in the OOC so I can look over them briefly before I give the go ahead. If you're shy feel free to PM it to me if you're worried about critiques or have other questions. Name: Age: Gender: Physical Appearance: (picture, actual photos please) In-Depth Appearance: (written description) Personality: (brief overview) Hobbies: Extra: