[quote=Wizard] This has to do with initial excitement. Once it wears off, you lose interest. You can prevent it by writing down all of your ideas, leave them for a week and then return to them and see if you are still interested. Work with the ideas a bit more and then leave them for a week again. I've recently taken to this method, which has made me scrap dozens of ideas. There is but one idea that I'm still interested in and still working on. When I finally get around to posting it, my initial excitement will be at a zero, which will help me to be consistent in running the roleplay. [/quote] I feel like this might be a large part of my particular case. I have plenty of text-files sitting around on my desktop with ideas I'm still interested in doing, but this one is a reboot (well, spiritual successor I guess) of an Old Guild RP I did and I went and posted it, but now I'm kinda regretting it. [quote=Dervish] One more thing!If you had a source of inspiration for the game, go back to it and just enjoy it, temind yourself why you wanted to roleplay with those ideas. You were inspired somewhere, sometimes you just need to recharge that inspiration. [/quote] Oh, I should try this (as well as your other suggestions)! But that means I gotta dig up my PS2 and Wild Arms... If I can find them. Or I could read Dark Tower again. On the co-GM thing, do you have tips for finding a co-GM? I would say somebody I know and trust in real life, though I don't know anybody on the Guild in real life (though now that I think about it, I know people who might be interested). I'm going to try to rough it through for a bit, and it if I still feel uninterested then I think I'll talk to my players about handing over the reins or something.