A little late on the draw, but time to acknowledge all that's passed! I'm glad it was well received, if still not without fault. To be honest, I was simply uninspired for the first eleven days. The characters, plot, and actual writing all happened on the last day—and it shows in the rushed conclusion. Had the inspiration come sooner, there would have been a lot more exposition throughout the day, as he gets to know all the members of the cast, interspersed with hints at the "twist". [@PlatinumSkink], there was no clarification because I felt it would be more genuine without it. While most of the hints were thrown in at the scene for the reason mentioned above, I do feel they were sufficient to uncover the plot. Still, in case you didn't catch it! Huldr, in his drunken state, was holding a bloodied knife, while walking away from his bloodied brother, Hundi. Huldr made Albiorn think the wolf had struck Hundi—in reality, it was Huldr that had cut him when he had tried to stop his brother. [i](And yes, I did read 'this'. ;)[/i] Also, I quite enjoyed your entry. It was well-written, original, and with a driven plot. When you get the ball rolling, you can get me—and other readers, it seems—down a [s]weird[/s] truly unique path. [@Terminal], I see what you meant with my entry in the fourth labour. Ultimately, that entry was all about mechanics—this was supposed to be a character-driven story, and those aren't really supposed to be [i]compressed[/i]. It's a habit of mine, compressing things to the most essential bits—it's what I did for my first four entries, in fact, to varying degrees. Since then, I've been trying to push myself into creating stories that take longer, if only because someday I'd like to be writing something a bit more substantial than short stories. I suspect I've still got a ways to go before I get comfortable with it, though. Finally, [@mdk], I have read your entry and loved it. I agree with Plat, in that the author's commentary was worse than the exposition it was criticizing, but I do believe you said that was something you didn't end up having time to edit out, so I'll not berate you for it—much. I think I'll reread your entry a time or two more, so that I can discuss it in full. Though I must admit, the others have said most that I'd have said anyways, so don't be waiting for any miraculous insights. On that note, I actually haven't even read my [i]own[/i] entry yet! I should really get around to that.