[b]Gabriel[/b] Gabriel stared at the General with curiosity. He knew he should be angry, yet he wasn't. It seemed that all the general wanted was a yes, so that eas what Gabriel gave him. As the general ordered them about, he approached the general and he said in a calm voice, [color=8dc73f]"Not meaning to be disrespectful, sir, but you really know nothing of spirits. Just because you consider them inhuman being does not mean that they are not human. What you want me to do is control someone completely, which i consider to be nothing short of slavery. Having been a slave myself, you can see why i wouldn't condone such things. My spirits fight for me becauae they want to, not because i order them to. I didn't ask for Leo, he was forced on me by the spirit king. Tell me, sir, if you had been locked up for 100 years, would you want to be confined? Respect works both ways sir. With a spirit like Leo, you don't control him, but rather you treat him with respect, with kindness, and you show them your own spirit, courage, belief in yourself and others. You do that, and spirit will do anything for you. But you do not control them. I can try and keep him in line, sir but i cannot control him, no more then i would control another human being. I'll do my best to be a solider, but if you can't understand that a spirit is something free, that has a will and feelings of its own, then you will always consider me a bad solider. And there will be nothing i can do to show you otherwise. I'll do many things sir, but i won't be apart of slavery. "[/color] Gabriel would take his lumps, if anything he said would be consider insubordination. His spirits were his friends, perhaps his only friends, and if he couldn't stand up for them, then he wasn't worthy of their friendship. If he got discharged from the guild, then so be it. He'd rather that then be apart of forcing his spirits to be something other then they were, then be apart of slavery of any kind. [color=8dc73f]"Leo won't do anything to harm the people of this town, nor cause any trouble for them. He won't cause any trouble to come onto the guild. Leo is not here to fight for the guild or even myself. He is here to make sure i can be a great celestial mage, and that I get the guidance I need. I haven't been a mage, truly, for very long. My whole life, the last few years, has been about escaping, been about staying one step ahead of slavery and being used for the magic I hold. I have not had the luxery to learn how to fight, I have been trying to teach myself because I don't feel like i deserve to have the right to ask someone to help me, because I know I'm not that good at communication, at saying what I mean and I just end up insulting people without meaning to. Or my actions aren't considered right. I'm trying sir, but sometimes I feel like I am drowning. Sometimes i feel like if i were completely submerged, no one would even care. I know I am a problem member. I know I'm probably one step away from being kicked out. But...I'm trying. Leo is dealing with Argus and won't allow him to become problematic. I'll go with Enma and Mercury now" [/color] Strangely enough, Gabriel felt better as he walked away. It was like expressing himself then had allowed something to break free. For better or worse, Gabriel would become a changed person. For better or worse, he had got out what had been tormenting him, for days if not weeks or months. It was a slight change, but perhaps it would be noticiable as he looked for the other two. [b]Jessie[/b] "Well, would you just look at him, tense as a plank of wood! You don't have to be scared of me, Jessie has made it quite clear that she was no interference in any relationship from me or our other brothers!" Drew said with a laugh, and Jessie hugged him tightly. She had missed her brothers dearly, and if she couldn't see them all, Drew was the best of them. [color=f6989d]"I am so glad to see you! This is Ferris. He is important to me, and I imagine he is terrified you will hurt him! I think he is positively cute, and I like to make him blush."[/color] she looked to Ferris and smiled, saying [color=f6989d]"This is Drew. He's a teddy bear. He won't hurt you. He taught me to stand up for myself, so ething he probably regrets now"[/color] She laughed in that cheerful way of hers, the smile never far from her face. "I'm sorry I won't be able to stay long, but its a pleasure to meet you, Ferris." [b]Jamies, Jarvis, Sam[/b] "Sweetheart, you don't need to have come from them to be apart of them, nor to have them be apart of you." The woman said, giving Amelia another kind smile before she disappeared. Sam looked to Amelia as her sister shed a few tears, and snuggled against her, seeking to comfort even if she didn't know why Amelia was saddened. [color=aba000]"sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life, we can forget the such things. Perhaps we need to make time, to be a family, away from all the troubles of the guild and the world"[/color] Jarvis said