Serah took a deep breath, the silence being unbearable. She'd been met with a few, predictable reactions on her opinion of the mission but after that point nothing more was said. The tiny girl almost wanted to bring it up but was stopped by a message from Sigma. Apperently Iota had smuggled... Alcohol? [color=00aeef]"...Pfffft! Ahahaha!"[/color] she started to laugh, finding it genuinly funny. Serah'd accidentally slammed a button on her comm screen whilst flailing around in laughter and shut it off, so luckily nobody witnessed that. Once she regained her composure, Serah opened up various cabinets to try and find the mysterious bottle. She opened up one that was a little bit above her head and felt something bonk against it. [color=00aeef]"Ow!"[/color] The tiny girl felt the sting of that one really well, rubbing her head to try and calm down the ouchies. On the floor next to her was now that alcohol, something Serah took notice of almost immediately. Her chest filled up with pride after finding it, right before getting distracted by something else again. Caretaker sent over a file detailing everyone's mechs. Serah carefully read over it to try and get a better idea of what everyone did, since she actually didn't pay all that much attention in Framewerk simulations. NOAH suddenly shook with alarms blaring, snapping the girl out of her reading session. [color=00aeef]"Wait, already?!"[/color] she cried out in surprise, having completely missed the message from Harold on what squad she was. She'd also not noticed her communications were off, not until that moment anyway. [color=00aeef]"Shoot!"[/color] Serah reacted quickly, pulling up the global channel before feeling the compression of NOAH's FTL drive overtake her. The girl didn't have anything to latch on to and conveniently forgot her seat belt, so once the ginormous ship exited hyperspace a bit of travel sickness was the least of her worries. Serah'd landed upside-down inside of her cockpit in a rather embarrassing pose if she were to be wearing a skirt. The girl needed a few seconds to recompose and when she did she scrambled back into her piloting seat. The first batch of framewerks were dropping from the ship and Serah wasn't among them. The girl breathed a sigh of relief, looking over the her connections to see who was still on board NOAH. The squad she'd be paired up with looked to consist of Harold, Roger, Sigma and... the new guy, whatever his name was. Serah kept forgetting. It kinda stunk because the only she somewhat knew on this squad was Harold. Considering Serah's lax nature, she'd gotten into quite a bit of trouble with him already back at base. Hopefully that didn't come back to nip her in the butt. The girl looked through Atty's cameras at the outside world and witnessed the gloomy outlook. [color=00aeef]"Poor people..."[/color] she said with a pause. Serah felt Atty touch solid ground a little after, the sign it had landed. She then looked back over the communications. Much to her shock, everyone was [i]muted[/i]! How did Serah manage that?! She quickly fiddled with a few buttons to unmute everyone, and sheepishly confessed her little mistake. [color=00aeef]"Um... I'm ready for the mission, but I kinda also didn't catch our orders from Hq. Oh and uh, ready for orders, Sir."[/color] Once she was finished speaking, Serah had Atty walk a short distance away from the colony, feeling a little uneasy. She also took a look around the area, trying to spot anything unusual by eyesight. She didn't really expect to find anything, it was more to relieve boredom.