The group continues to converse while Gregor is still oblivious to them, he rearranges his gear and draws his sword from the ground. He produces a simple whet stone and idly began to run it along the blade making a rhythmic sound of steel on stone. Someone entered the area and spoke, muck and slime still dripping from his boots, even the attractive Melissa Maris did not manage to draw Gregor's attention. He kept taking the stone across the blade and began murmuring to himself or laughing quietly. [color=lightcoral][b]"To the north... the.. uh, demons. no. dead, the undead. uhm.. the the undead from the south, Or.. or was it the east.. i don't know. heh heh heh"[/b][/color] As he laughed his fist tightened around the hilt of his sword as if where going to be in a fight, even while he laughed. The Bell tolled, shaking the earth beneath his feet and managed to penetrate his hollowed delirium. His head lifted looking around himself as if he where suddenly aware of the half dozen people gathered around the bonfire. Gregor still seemed unconcerned by their presence. He did however begin to stare at Ansgar Staudinger, nonthreatening but intently. His gaze still went unbroken as the Wyvern flew overhead. As the gust of air of its passing washes over them Gregor stood and spoke in a deep rumble, eyes fixed on Ansgar, "Captain, Wyvern sighted, What are your orders?"