Jinx stretches out on the beach and allows the sun to warm her well toned body. Her Hair spreads around her head like a shimmering Cotton Candy halo. Her finger nails, toe nails and even her extremely abbreviated Brazilian Bikini match her hair giving her a startling effect making her seem somehow unreal. The sound of sea birds mingles with the sound of the people an the pounding surf. She is unmistakably Jinx a former member of the Teen Titans and considered a wanted criminal but she hasn't a care of whether she's arrested or not. She was seen chatting with one of the Mana beings and now the law thinks her not a hero but a traitor. They have only the charge of suspicion of Terrorist Activities to hold her on but it is enough to ruin her day if they manage to catch her As if that were not bad enough she's also been plagued by random attacks by S.H.A.R.D's soldiers lately and had to use her power for self preservation. She thinks she may have put several into intensive care and the others in whatever hospital they use. She's at least been lucky lately because she has expended the concentration to be so and seen no more attacks. As she lays on her blanket a couple of young guys sit nearby and begin discussing her as if she wasn't there. Their words are insulting and their acting even more so as Jinx notes that this is a trap of some kind. They want her to lash out an perhaps even injure the two while they film it from nearby, who they are she hasn't a clue but she refuses to take the bait. Standing she wakes towards the water where at the edge waits a surf ski she bought to use for exercise. The two young men follow her to the waters edge as she begins to push off. One reaches out and smacks her bottom expecting a response and is disappointed when she continues on as if nothing had happened He and his friend farther prove they are under orders when they try and swim after her and are suddenly stopped by jellyfish. They both prove they have limits as they hurry out of the surf and stare at her. Jinx merely giggles and points to a sign the both stand near that warns "No Swimming or Wading, Jellyfish Migration" She hums a silly tune to herself as she paddles off heading for the far shore on the other side of the bay where her car is parked