[h2]Saber, King Arthur Herself[/h2] Saber nodded, slowly, at Philip's comment. She knew she couldn't actually take [i]all[/i] of it, but... she wished she could. It all looked so good. If only she had more money with which to purchase all this... even if Rin had been present, though, it was unlikely she could convince her Master to purchase every single food item available. Extremely, extremely unlikely. "... I understand," she said, somewhat morosely, "But every baked good looks delicious. It is... difficult to make a decision." When the man behind the counter made his own suggestion, the blonde girl thought it over for a few moments. It was quite unlikely that a bear claw was, in this context, an actual bear's claw. That did not make sense to be among the arrangement of pastries. "... Very well, I would like a bear claw." [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki, Holding Determination in her Fist[/h2] "But what if there's other people here who got taken like us?" asked Hibiki, looking back at her friend, a look of concern on her face. What if there were other people trapped here who needed to be rescued? And he'd helped them on their way out... but if this place really wasn't bad... for a few moments the girl was silent. Either was... didn't following him make sense? If there were people in need, then they could help them. And if he was just causing trouble... "And if he shouldn't be doing it, doesn't that mean we should stop him?"