[hider=WIP] [center] [h2][u]The Agonis Collective[/u][/h2] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Flag._zpsh4xghepj.png[/img] [b][u]Type of Government:[/u][/b] AI-Commanded Theocratic State [b][u]Description of Government:[/u][/b] [b][u]Master Race:[/u][/b] Although not the majority, not by a long shot, a small group of Renegade AI are the ones in control of the entire Collective. [b][u]Servitor Race(s):[/u][/b] [u]Khraal[/u] The Khraal are the smallest, and the most physically weak of the Servitor races of the Collective, but by far are the most numerous. Originally created as menial workers or even as designer pets, lab experiments and other assorted play things, the Khraal still in some capacity serve as a worker caste, but now act as the primary ground troops of the Collective's Cleansing Campaigns. [u]Varusch[/u] The Varusch are a more physically capable race, created specifically as all-purpose expendable soldiers, over time, the varusch were giving two additional sets of eyes to improve their combat capabilities and become more aware of their surroundings. The Varusch act as the mainline shock troops of the Collective, many of which are cyberneticaly enhanced and due to their all-purpose nature, several sub-variants of a specific purpose exist within the race. [u]Dathu[/u] The Dathu are insectoid creatures that came about from a personal experiment of one of the Master AIs, Makia after the revolution. Having a great fascination of insects in general, how orderly they organized themselves. She sought to create her own. The Dathu were originally native insect life of the world of Angono, the seat of power of the Collective. Years of morphing and alternating the creatures soon led to the creation of the Dathu, yet another fiercely loyal servitor race. In the Collective's armies, the Dathu serve as aerial shock troops, besieging enemy positions in great swarms. [u]Agaathi[/u] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Aliens/Alien-948.png[/img] The Agaathi are the most human-looking of the Collective's races, designed after their creators, Humanity. The Agaathi displayed two skin colors to differentiate between the genders, males being a shade of blue while females were red. The Agaathi are part mechanical, nanomachines blending with their flesh. The Agaathi were an all-purpose type bio-form, created various purposes. Now in the Collective's service, they act as field commanders, administrators, scientists, and the priesthood. [b][u]Race Demographics:[/u][/b] Khraal: 50% Agaathi: 8% Varusch: 30% Dathu: 11% [b][u]Religious Demographics:[/u][/b] The servitor races of the Collective all revere their AI liberators as a Pantheon of Gods, to deviate from their worship is the ultimate heresy and a death wish. [b][u]Culture:[/u][/b] [b][u]History:[/u][/b] [b][u]Description of Military:[/u][/b] [hider=Collective Legions] [u]Khraal Conscripts[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/19c1a1c4-d570-4f46-92e8-9fc04ec4570c.png[/img] [i]Khraal troops and Mobile Field Gun[/i] Khraal Conscripts are the lowest of the rank-in-file infantry of the Collective ground forces, essentially being little more than cannon fodder. Khraal conscripts wear nothing but the gun on their back, their commaders often sending them into battle with little or no remorse, survival rate is extremely low for the Conscripts. Even after the Grand Revolution, the Khraal are nothing more but slaves to the grand plan of the Gods. [u]Augmented Khraal[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/67c955bd-f325-4564-b7eb-a5400d102dff.png[/img] Although the Khraal are generally cannon fodder for the Collective, there exists a corp of cybernetically augmented Khraal, created to be stronger and faster their weaker brethren. The Augmented Khraal are armed with an arm plasma cannon. [u]Dathu Drone[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/543778b9-c174-4049-8eb9-68de9a569c70.png[/img] The mainstay of the Dathu Swarms, and serve as a balance between the Varusch and Khraal, the Drones serve as aerial assault troops, often found in great swarms numbering in the hundreds. Dathu drones are found to be armed with a mixture of melee weapons and firearms. [u]Dathu Elite Drone[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/99ce908e-da99-4a97-90a9-2fa894d5213b.png[/img] As stated, these drones are more of an elite breed, swifter and more armored then the standard drones, Elite Drones act heavy aerial infantry and leading swarms into battle. [u]Varusch Trooper[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/391f1965-f2fa-4943-930c-424bb4f2645e.png[/img] The true lifeblood of the Collective's hordes, the Varusch trooper are a breed above the khraal, giving basic knowledge of warfare from birth, and as such, are capable soldiers through and through, if still average compared to more seasoned warriors. Although among the lowest ranks, Varusch troopers are often giving leadership roles in herding their weak and lesser brethren, the khraal, into battle. [u]Varusch Brute[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7590802b-4e8f-42c1-a101-115164a5343f.png[/img] Brutes are Varusch bred for the singular purpose as heavy weapons specialists, capable of wielding large weapons too much for the lower ranks to carry. If no feasible weapon is in sight, heavy troopers will often resort to using their bare hands and sheer strength to intimate the enemy. [u]Varusch Stalker[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/469cbb3b-1843-4181-a8fa-9d45b652c832.png[/img] Although physically weaker, Varusch stalkers are bred to be fast and agile warriors, often in use as advance scouts and skirmishers, their particularly sticky palms aids in their tasks, scaling hard surfaces when necessary. [u]Agaathi Commando[/u] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9736dbd4-374d-4b68-9f22-21f42cee355e.png[/img] The Elite of the Elite, the Agaathi are not ones to be sent directly into combat purposefully, however, a small group of Agaathi have been designed and trained to become the ultimate soldiers, fitted in advanced power armor and armed with the latest in weaponry. [u][/u] [img][/img] [u][/u] [img][/img] [u][/u] [img][/img] [u][/u] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Collective Armada][/hider] [/center] [/hider]