I can get another post up. I just haven't posted because I feel like there's nothing to add other than "And they walked to their next class. Yay?" But I can get one up and I can try to make it not mind numbingly mundane. And I think everyone has posted with 24 hours except BookDragon. [@AbysmalDemon]Last posted 21 hours ago. [@aeuternus]Last posted 21 hours ago. [@Blue Demon]Last posted 21 hours ago. [@BookDragon]Last posted 5 days ago. [@DisguisedDemon]Last posted 19 hours ago. [@Eragon]Last posted 1 day ago. [@TheHunter]Last posted 21 hours ago. [@PaintLynn]Last posted 1 hour ago. [@unfallenangel]Last posted 27 minutes ago. And that's everyone.