[color=orange]"Oh right. I don't have a weapon so I must be the weaker of us two."[/color] Yoshi scoffed as he tried to think of what he could do in the short time he had before the machine reached him. The only option was to tuck and roll out of the way again. [color=orange]"Stupid machine."[/color] He grumbled as he leaped out of the way again. He rolled upon landing, almost immediately getting to his feet. In his little rumble he had picked up a few stones. [color=orange]"I'm not some low level npc for you to dick around with!"[/color] He shouted angrily as he threw one of the stones. It was fast, heading for one of the mechanical beasts eyes. Hopefully it would make contact. Just for good measure though, he threw two more. He aimed at any kind of tube or wire he could see. Must have connected something, though he couldn't be sure it would actually do any damage. The good thing about this was that he wasn't alone. And if anything, he had the thing that Fon gave him. But what did it do? He could use it for sure. But would it really help? Yoshi grit his teeth. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but with Rei's makeshift spear and a few stones, he figured it'd take A LOT of good luck and skill to come close to even just scare this thing off, let alone defeat it. Yoshi glanced at Fon and then at Rei, and finally the machine to survey its next move. The baby said he would help if things got too dangerous. This could only mean he expected Yoshi and Rei to win. Whatever the jawbreaker pill things was, it would probably help in that area. But how? And should he really rely on the thing? Was that the right way to go about taking his first steps into the world of the mafia?