[hider=Conrad 'Tiny' Kaiser -The Mobile Armor Suit Pilot] [center][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/a726/f/2011/032/d/d/curbstomp_by_tabnir-d384o4h.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][u][color=gray]C O N R A D [/color][/u][u][color=firebrick]'T I N Y'[/color][/u][u][color=gray] K A I S E R[/color][/u][/h1][right][h2][i][color=firebrick]"The M.A.S.P."[/color][/i][/h2][/right] [hr] [h3][color=gray][u][color=firebrick]N[/color] I C K N A M E[/u][/color][/h3] [color=darkgray] Tiny -an ironic name jabbing at his size [/color] [h3][color=gray][u][color=firebrick]A[/color] G E[/u][/color][/h3] [color=darkgray] 32 [/color] [h3][color=gray][u][color=firebrick]G[/color] E N D E R[/u][/color][/h3] [color=darkgray] Male [/color] [h3][color=gray][u][color=firebrick]R[/color] A N K[/u][/color][/h3] [color=darkgray] Specialist [/color] [h3][color=gray][u][color=firebrick]P[/color] S Y C H O L O G I C A L A N A L Y S I S[/u][/color][/h3] [color=darkgray][list] [*][u][i]"I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart -you're a dumbass."-[/i][/u] Trenchant in nature, Tiny never hesitates to say exactly what is on his mind no matter how blunt or offensive it may come out sounding. This goes for compliments as well as insults. [*][u][i]"Oh yes perfect. You definitely [/i]didn't[i] just fuck everything up there."-[/i][/u] Possessing a mordant sense of humor, Tiny tends to make sarcastic remarks at the expense of those around him. [*][u][i]"Great plan. Have fun with that."-[/i][/u] Tiny is fairly action averse -he tends to shy away from directly acting on important things unless he is specifically pushed to do so, or someone else takes action first. [*][u][i]"So, what now, boss?"-[/i][/u] In the same vein as his tendency to shy away from taking the initiative, Tiny is a good follower rather than a leader. He is highly skilled in following orders, not so much at giving them. [*][u][i]"Tell my wife... I love her..."[/i][/u] Melodramatic at almost all times, Tiny has a love for over exaggeration and dramatization. [*][u][i]"I'd catch a grenade..."-[/i][/u] Loyal to those he considers friends, he is self-sacrificial in his compassion, more than willing to take a bullet, grenade, or train for those he cares for. [/list] [/color] [h3][color=gray][u][color=firebrick]M[/color] I L I T A R Y R E C O R D[/u][/color][/h3] [color=darkgray] The late Jorgen Kaiser III, Conner's father, was the owner of a private security firm -decently successful in life. Though their ancestry has a great history serving in the military for the Earth Empire, he at first refused to join the military -He believed it to be far more prudent and useful for the protection of civilians on his own terms, and in his own area, than to join the military and be ordered around. Though sterile and seemingly hopeless in terms of carrying out his legacy, Jorgen III eventually was blessed with a son through the miracle of adoption, and his outlook towards war was somewhat changed. That, along with pressure from various outside sources, lead to Jorgen III's enlistment in the Earth Empire's military. He scaled the ladder unsurprisingly quickly -despite his initial hesitation, he had both the skill and the attitude to raise high in the ranks. It was in his blood, after all. As Jorgen's son grew, he was pressured as well to join the military. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and Jorgen Kaiser IV was soon in a similar situation to his father. On the eve of Jorgen Kaiser IV's 18th birthday and initial enlistment into the military, Jorgen III was given amazing news. The condition that made him sterile was a temporary effect, something genetic that could be cured. Amazing news to Jorgen III, but perhaps a bit less wonderful to the adopted Jorgen IV. A little less than a year later, a pair of beautiful twins were born, and got all of the attention Jorgen III and his wife had to spare -needless to say, this lead to some resentment from Jorgen IV towards the two. Instead of ever dealing with this aggression, Jorgen IV directed the energy towards his military career, and had plenty of times to prove himself in the many proxy wars with smaller nations. Jorgen Kaiser III's blood son and daughter both seemed to show interest in serving in the military as well -their blood was not something to go against. Though growing up the two were raised with the intention of joining the military as soon as capable, the death of Jorgen Kaiser III changed that. While his daughter, Cameron, was only more dead set on joining the military and somehow honoring his memory and avenging him, his son Conrad had had different plans. Though Conrad was a massive man by the age of eighteen, built like a bulldozer, he found less glory in the military than his family had. His true love laid in machinery, be it vehicles, robots, or electronics. He went off on his own after the death of his father, moving to a medium-sized city where he opened up his own little mechanics shop. Though he faced some rather large competition his natural talent and low pricing allowed him to make a living for himself -at least until his shop was hit by some gang activity and his savings were taken from him at the threat of his life. Believing that he could possibly save his city from the gang violence, Conrad dressed himself up in an unfortunate electric blue outfit and hit the streets at night -hoping to stagger crime under a vigilante persona by the name of 'Yellow Jacket'. His second night out, he ended up getting arrested for a month thanks to his antics. Almost instantly he hit the streets again on his release, having gotten some surprisingly helpful intel from an unwitting guard. This intel proved correct, and Conrad ended up strolling right into the main gang's HQ. A bit overconfident in his ability, it proved to be a bad idea when two hours later he found himself lying outside in a gutter, having been hit by two grenades almost point blank, and far too much energy weapon fire. Much of his body was no more than a bloody pulp, and it was only a miracle that allowed him to survive until EMT's hit the scene. Destined to be forever crippled thanks to the loss of one arm, his right eye, both legs, his lungs, and severe damage to his heart, Conrad was put into a severe state of depression until contacted by the Earth Empire military. Apparently he had made a name for himself in the world of mechanics -the Earth Empire military was willing to provide the cybernetic enhancements Conrad required in order to move once again, under the condition that he be drafted into the military to work with the M.A.S. systems. Of course, Conrad accepted to regain some inkling of control in his life. Upon joining, he found he had much to prove -both of his siblings had advanced far in his absence, and were rather high ranking while he found himself to be little more than a specialist operating the M.A.S. after a long time serving. In his time serving, he ended up replacing more and more of his body with cybernetics -already mostly robot, why not finish off the job, right? A second cybernetic arm and eye, as well as a portion of his abdomen/spine round off his cybernetic enhancements, making him even more of a lumbering beast of a man. [/color] [h3][color=gray][u][color=firebrick]E[/color] Q U I P M E N T[/u][/color][/h3] [color=darkgray][list][*]PTX-099b Goliath R.A.V. [*][hider=066.6 Flare Gun] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/5064/i/2016/057/0/4/prop_concept__gun_by_kalypsya-d9t63ix.jpg[/img] A heavily modded version of the 066 model Flare gun, this weapon is capable of loading and firing anything from flares to grenades to canisters of tear gas, albeit one at a time. Still, it sports an impressive range of almost 500 yards. [/hider] [*]Grenades -Tiny carries 3 each of the following types of ammunition for his 066.6 -Flares, fragmentation grenades, electron grenades, tear gas canisters, and compression foam canisters (for the suppression of fire). [*]Bullhammer Revolver [*]Cybernetics -After his tragic accident, Tiny was saved only through heavy use of Cybernetics. Both arms and legs, a large portion of the abdomen, his eyes, his lungs, and his heart are all cybernetic implants now. Though these greatly enhance his physical strength to make him a beast in CQC, he is very reliant on them, and can be disabled (if not outright killed) by tampering to his systems. His left fist contains the same technology present in the head of an electron mace. [*]David -Tiny has an Simulated Intelligence system present at all times -present within his cybernetic implants, his Goliath, and even within a modded scope atop his 066.6. The S.I. is capable of managing the systems within these devices, as well as piloting the Goliath (in a pinch, he can only do very simple things), and aiming the 066.6. Built-in learning deficiencies keep the S.I. from doing much more than these tasks. General computing is also within it's functionality, as well as special programming to tell knock-knock jokes and make puns. [/list] [/color] [/hider]