---------------------------------------------------------- [h3]The 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi - Hanging Gardens[/h3] ---------------------------------------------------------- Alex had managed to throw the woman, apparently named Tsubaki, off enough for Kagura to get close. Still, the fight between the two locals was even. The virus could only raise an eyebrow at how easily Kagura swung his giant sword. He resigned that to just being part of this world's laws of nature. Laws that were radically different from the laws he had studied back in Earth. Soon Kagura swung his blade hard enough to push Tsubaki towards a direction. An idea crossed the Alex's mind and he quickly placed himself in the redhead woman's way. He then caught her in a tight hold, his arms wrapped around her body and arms, and slightly raised her up to prevent her from using the ground to try and escape hold. As the Blacklight virus, his strength should be enough to keep Tsubaki from breaking free by her own strength. Tsubaki could hit her head at his but again, he was the Blacklight virus, he had received far more painful trauma than that. However, Alex knew this Tsubaki girl had some tricks hidden in her sleeve and expected Kagura or Akuma to take her down before she could pull out any of them. "Knock her out! Now!"