[hider=Old One] Quote: "To choose sides is to tip the balance. Even those who choose no side add a few grains of sand to one side or another from time to time." ~ Dracomane the wise Name: Old Hermit, AKA Silverbeard, AKA Dracomane the wise, AKA Old One Age: He doesn't remember as he lost count. Species: Ancient Dragon Blood%: 100% Gender: Male Sex Preference: Bi Height: 6 feet even Weight: 533 lbs Physical appearance: [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fv7Pz7qPP1w/UV7ajysh9HI/AAAAAAAAAtg/Tx8rZgYkTIY/s1600/Volkoff+final_greyBG.jpg[/img] True appearance:[img]http://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Dragon-9.jpg[/img] [B]Apparel:[/b] Dracomane wears a fairly simple outfit. Simple woven pants and shirt, along with a wolf skin cape. While it has no real defensive use, it does give the appearance of being fairly comfortable, if frequently tattered. If you pay attention you can see that his teeth have slight points and his skin has a slightly golden sheen about it most noticeable in high light. Vehicle: Feet. [B]Personality:[/b] Dracomane is generally quiet and thoughtful, but can be quick to act against things he deems to be wrong or unjust. He loves riddles and jokes and having a good laugh with anyone. Be cautious of his temper, as it rises quickly, and his fury is deadly if you harm those he cares for or considered friend. He's not one for choosing sides and tends to stay out of moral decisions unless he deems it necessary for him to be a part of the decision. While he loves meat, he's no hunter. At least not as a human. Occupation: A hermit with a small knowledge of gardening. Faction: none Pet: none Adv. App.: [B]Exp:[/b] Dracomane is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter and proficient with staves. The time he's spent away from everything he has devoted to meditation and practice in his hand-to-hand and staves. His punches and kicks can shatter small boulders (about human chest size). However in doing so he has almost forgotten how to use most of his natural abilities due to lack of use. Through meditation and practice he has been able to refrain a fraction of some of his abilities. [B]Spells:[/b] **Warp reality (minor: illusion) -- allows him to change reality just enough that it merely looks different while staying pysically the same. **Metalic Flow (Low end Conjuring/Manifestation) -- allows him to control, manipulate, and create metals of all kinds. Very time consuming and energy taxing. He does not practice this as often as he would like, partially due to laziness. [B]Abilities/Powers:[/b] **shape shifting -- Dragons, Wyverns, Humans, Giant Salamanders (mountains), Great Panthers (Forests), Hypocanth (seas, also known as the water horse). Shifting takes a great deal of time and energy, and is so taxing that he is only able to once a month. He's able to force himself to his dragonic form in dire need as it is his true form, but makes him unable to shift for almost two months, four if he recently shifted within the past week. **Fire/Ice Breath -- A Breath attack he can use in both Dragon and Human form, but not in any other form without time and practice. He has seldom used it and so can usually create a small cone of about 10ft. **Fire/Ice Manipulation-conjuration/Resistance (tenichally two separate abilities/powers) -- Allows him to control the temperature of an area of about 100ft or so, though due to his low need for it due to his resistance he does it for the comfort of others. Also allows him to use a simple spark to create a fire, or a snowflake to create a patch of snow. The more time and energy and available element the greater the effect, however he is still limited to lesser feats die to low use and practice. **Metal Dense scales -- while in Draconic form, he has Metal Dense scales, due to being an ancient. While in human form he has two small patches of stone Dense scales beneath his robes. One patch over his heart on his chest, the other on his back behind his heart. He specifically trained to keep these patches while in his human form over the years with his meditation. He is still trying to keep his Metal Dense scales but isn't quite there yet. **Smell Detection -- Having lived alone for so long and through his meditation he has been able to keep is Draconic sense of smell while in human form. He can smell most things within a 75ft radius around him with ease, and pick up faint smells up to 100ft with concentration. [B]Weapon(s):[/b] His weapon apears to be rough wooden walking stick that doubles as a combat staff. However it's actually made of shed dragon scales (his in particular). Using his control over metals and a little bit of illusion magic he shaped it and made it appear to be simple wood. [Hider=History] An old man sits across the campfire, a large flagon in his hand while his staff rests upon his shoulder in his other hand. Taking a large swig from the flagon he speaks up. "So. You wanted to hear my story eh?" He stares at you over the crackling flames. You can smell the brew he drinks as if it was right in front of you, arcid and smokey. "Well, speak up hatchling!" You jump, quickly nodding. Hatchling? Now your really curious. He nods slightly and downs the last of his brew and tosses the flagon to you, and you barely catch it. "Do an old hermit a favor and get me another will yeh? The barrel on the side, can't miss it." You grumble under your breath but nod and get his drink. He's stalling, but you didn't travel all this way for nothing. Perhaps he knows he needs the drink to loosen his tongue... You fill the flagon, blanching at how strong the smell is, and return it to him before taking your seat once again. The old man takes a small swig, eyeing you. "It all began long ago, before all the bloodlines and decendants of my people." He paused to take another swig and let his words settle for a moment. "I've been here since before the first demon, the first seraphim, before all the others. In fact I may have even added to a few of them." He paused to chuckle. "For I am one of the ancients." You stare at the old man blankly. Ancient one? He growls, sounding quite animalistic. "Are you so daft hatchling? Do you not learn your history, even as twisted as it may be?" Taking yet another swig he eyes you once again before sighing. "Forgive me hatchling, sometimes my temper bests me. Let me clarify. I am one of the Dragon council, the Dragons that made the major decisions for our race and kept the others in check. Unfortunately more of us despised those that called themselves decendants, and that started the Dragon wars..." He chuckled at your gaping maw. "Yes, I am a Dragon, but I chose the side that most would consider good. When those that chose the opposite began to fight us and won, I chose to live as a hermit. I've lived on every corner of this world over the years, seen a great many things. Met a lot of people. Seen a lot of good people die..." He paused once more, staring into his flagon solemly before downing it all. He looks up at you, suddenly smiling. "But for the past er, century, I've been here in this little hut meditating and practicing many things. I may be a Dragon, but I like being able to relate to others better, so I've stayed in this form for many many a year." He nodded towards a stand of splintered trees. "And I think I've made good use of of the time like this. I think it's about time that I do what I seldom do. It's time that I once again tip the scales of fate and set out to change that which may be in peril." Smiling the old man stands and walks over to you, picking you up in his arms and placing you in his bed. "Sleep well hatchling, because when you wake up I won't be here... It saddens me a bit. I was starting to like you." Stepping back out into the night he snuffed out the flames with a flick of his wrist and set out to tips the scales once more... [/Hider] Trivia: I went a little crazy with the history, not explaining to much, but enough I think. :3 [/hider]