Despite Mathias' enthusiastic response Lila still studied for any visible injuries. Perhaps the man was merely fatigued as he made no reply to her question nor showed any signs of actually having been harmed. But there was always the chance that he did not wish to actually tell her to avoid appearing weak. Despite stating that she was indebted to him she was still a creature not often trusted. He did act and sound quite tired at least. Lila listened intently as the knight began to speak of his family. While she was not completely unlearned about such things it was a foreign concept to her. Being as independent and sparse as her race was there was no real concept of family. Unfortunately the story was interrupted by sounds echoing through the cavern. No they most certainly were not alone. And judging by the sound it was not something they wanted to cross paths with. Raising herself up she looked about carefully. Glancing at her companion she saw a glint in his eyes that had not been there before. It was oddly empowering [color=slateblue]"I should be able to guide us well enough. I cannot say I know where we will be going but I can see and can be sure should we go in a circle."[/color] She watched as he gathered his pack and shield together and was ready to move. Unsure as to what to say Lila simply started forward through the darkness. The first task was to be sure to avoid wherever thing that had heard moments ago. To their advantage the spider woman lived by avoiding such dangers, most of the time anyhow. Moving did not directly mean progress though. Everything was uncharted territory which meant that they could be walking endlessly without knowing was was next. On the occasions when they came to a fork Lila would take a few steps down one and feel if there was any air current that she could make out. No current often meant a dead end which was no good for them. Eventually she stopped and stared ahead, gesturing for Mathias to stop as well. She could faintly see the light cast by Fazra's hammer. There was far too little for her human companion to see. [color=slateblue]"I see light, but I cannot tell its source."[/color] She glanced back to see what the man wanted to do. [@Gisk][@Necrophage][@rechonq]