Silently, Maris cursed herself for her inattention and turned slowly, still crouched, to face the stranger. Her wariness was swept away by the sight of him. Inexperienced as she was, she could take him, for he was war-weary and injured. She stood, gripping her trident tightly just in case, and inspected him with an analyzing gaze as he spoke. She took no offense to his calling her “young lady” in that scolding tone of voice. In fact, she could feel nothing but pity for him. Clearly something horrible had happened in this vale, and this man had been in the thick of it. She took in his wounds, his exhaustion, and his willingness to escort her out of the forest even in his weakened state, and decided to help him. [color=00746b]“I thank you for your offer, but I am not leaving quite yet. I want to know what has happened here, and nothing will stop me from finding out.”[/color] She bent down and hefted her pack onto her back before speaking again. [color=00746b]“I am Maris, Champion of Locke. I wish to see to your injuries, sir, before I will hear your story. I have some knowledge of healing, and your wounds appear serious, so please indulge me. May we walk to your camp?”[/color] She waited expectantly for him to lead the way, trying not to show her increasing disgust at the deathly smell wafting on the wind. [@Mag Lev]