Mathias stopped on Lila's cue. Torch still in hand, he squinted ahead. "I see light, but I cannot tell its source." Lila described. Despite his time down here Mathias still couldn't see what she was describing. No matter. Another light meant creatures who didn't dwell in the dark or a camp of some type. Even if neither were the case they would be on the right track. "Let's keep going, then. I could welcome a change of scenery right about now." Mathias suggested. He stayed close behind her as they went. Suddenly the sound of metal dragging across the cave floor resumed and it was close behind them. It was wavered in and out as whatever creature just out of sight dragged their instrument. The torn metal that adorned the battered creature glinted in the light of Mathias' torch. "The torch.." He lamented, "It's following the light." He raised it, illuminating the tunnel more clearly and consequently the horror as well. There was no longer any reason to discard the torch. This clearly unliving thing was shuffling at them at a surprising pace. It was clad in fur and bits of iron. Blood covered it from several wounds that must have proved fatal when it lived. It dragged an axe behind it that seemed almost too big for this now dilapidated creature. Every step it gasped through its torn throat, an action that was no more than muscle memory. Mathias warned Lila. "That thing is right behind us! We shouldn't fight it in these spaces. Hurry to the light and pray we don't run into more." He picked up the pace.