[hider=Kym Tam the Horse] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/abea6258668225cc9a050bc9d27d99ad/tumblr_nhb0giXw4Y1sk1rjvo1_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name[/b] : Kym Tam [b]Age[/b] : 18 [b]Zodiac[/b] : Horse [b]Personality[/b] : She cannot sit still. Kym has to keep busy or she’ll risk becoming bored and feeling useless. She’s pretty straightforward with her feelings and will not hesitate to say whats on her mind. An all around warm person who prefers to see the best in others- she’s quick to become attached to anyone that she likes. Kym is pretty adaptable and as a result it doesn’t take long for her to bounce back from upsetting things. If she’s mistreated she’ll give the other person hell. Same goes for if someone mistreats someone she considers a friend. Her sense of humor consists of her dramatically reacting to things or saying “fight me!” whenever she’s flustered. Or bored. Or actually upset. [b]Appearance[/b] : She stands at 5’8 and is all legs. Her eyes and hair are dark brown. She wears sporty outfits a lot, as if she’s always on her way to or from the gym. She never wears makeup and often allows her hair to do its own thing most of the time, she usually cuts it herself. [b]How long have they been at the school? [/b]: All 3 years. [b]Did they apply for Roommate services?[/b] : Yes. [b]Club[/b] : Astrology and Equestrian club [b]Position[/b] : Regular member [b]Hobbies[/b] : Horses. Yes, Kym is that girl. She can often be found at the stables tending to or riding on her favorite horses. Swimming. She probably would have joined the swim team if her schedule allowed it. Drawing. She has a bunch of sketchbooks stashed under her bed. Probably filled with horses… [/hider]