Here's my character sheet, obviously a WiP but I think I have the groundwork in place. [hider=Mark "Thumbs" Illyan] [img][/img] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Illyan, Mark [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 25 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Nickname:[/b][/u] “Thumbs” (Earned during a particularly nasty training accident in which Mark lost his arm. After they had stopped the blood flow and stabilized him, his instructor had said that he was “all thumbs”. One of the other soldiers jokingly mentioned something about thumbs and, as with most such cases, the name stuck.) [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] Specialist (Combat Role: Demolitions expert) [u][b]Psychological Analysis:[/b][/u] [i]-Shows a healthy respect for authority and chain of command. Correct political views. -Is able to carry out assigned tasks under pressure, as long as he remains concentrated. Extreme difficulty may lead to decreased performance in the field, as Illyan displays classical signs of an inferiority complex and is not able to handle failure easily. Monitoring of the soldier confirmed that it does not interfere with his communication with squadmates. -Problem solving mindset, analytical thinking. Aptitude for numbers and logical structures. Complex drives him to seek a perfectionist approach, which can be exploited as a means of motivation. -Strong self-survival instincts and risk aversion. Soldier will not be prone to acts of heroics, but can be relied on with proper motivation. (see above) -Average social skills, avoids being center of attention. Will unconsciously seek acknowledgment in others. [u]Medical Examination:[/u] No physical or psychological disorders. Scarring on right side of face and neck. Cybernetic right arm (see note MO#004 – Update on Soldier Status). Nicotine addiction. Medical history shows signs of substance abuse in the past. Verdict: Fit for service. [u]Supervisor’s note:[/u] Above-average intelligence and strong patriotic sentiment increase value as an asset, however low self-esteem makes him unsuitable for officer positions. Not recommended for further promotion. (Addendum: After training accident described in MO#004 and loss of arm, soldier seems to have toughened up. With combat experience may become useful as NCO) [right]Cpt. Zogin, Personnel Assessment Center[/right][/i] [u][b]Military Record: [/b][/u] Mark Illyan was born on New Alexandria, a prosperous, but not overly important world in the Cerol system. His parents were well-off: Mark's mother was a hydraulics engineer and his father was a retired officer, working as an editor in the local state media. Though war was raging throughout the galaxy, Mark received what he needed to lead a comfortable childhood. He finished high school at the top of his class, which allowed him to sign up for university instead of being drafted like most teenagers that graduated. Mark’s father considered this a godsend, claiming that that service in the army would ruin his life. He’d always had a way with electronics and computers, so Mark decided to study computer science, hoping that he could one day use his skills to aid the Empire. Everything was going well, but a year later his father committed suicide. This set the young man on a downward spiral and he could barely finish the following semesters. He struggled for a while longer, but quit during his third year. Amidst increasing talk of the war getting closer and thousands of worried news reports pouring in from all over the galaxy, Mark decided to go ahead and enlist. His mother was naturally furious – she told Mark that the army had stolen her husband and that it would now steal her son as well. Her angry words fell on deaf ears; out of a misguided sense of patriotism or perhaps in a veiled effort to redeem himself before his father, Mark was firmly set on his course. He signed the papers, swore the oath and never looked back. Basic training passed with little of note; he adapted to the soldier’s life quickly enough. A tour of duty to a nearby moon followed, but during his one year stay Mark saw no action. By this time he had begun wondering if he had made the right choice by joining, but one look at the news was enough to convince him of the looming threat. Once he was back planetside, Mark applied for advanced training quickly. His university background and technical aptitude made him an ideal candidate for a demolitions expert. During a training exercise however, he misjudged his skills and ignored his instructor’s advice. The resulting explosion cost him an arm and covered his left side in burns. It also earned him his nickname. After undergoing surgery and acquiring a cybernetic replacement, Mark was determined to do better this time. He applied for advanced training again and eventually graduated with flying colours. The Coalition was getting ever closer and the entire sector was put on high alert; as soon as Mark got out of training, he, along with thousands of others, were assigned to their new units and shipped off to the Fortress World of Cerol. Now with the rank of Specialist, Mark went on to join the 8118th. He had barely spent half a year with his new squad when the first wave of Coalition ships appeared in orbit. Suddenly he found himself on the frontlines of the very war he had heard so much about. As he would soon find out, nothing could have prepared him for it… [u][b]Equipment: [/b][/u] [list] [*]Standard-issue ACS Rifle [*]APP-3 Pistol [*]Combat knife [*]Electron Grenade x3 [*]Cybernetic arm with some self-made modifications focusing on precision and fine motor skills. [*]Integrated software pack, which allows the operator to interact with standard-issue detonator interfaces remotely. It also has a scanning feature that is able to identify most common explosive ordinance in use by the UEE and Coalition. The information is fed to the helmet’s HUD and can optionally be relayed as warning signals to nearby squadmates. [*]Det-Plast blocks x 4 – the blocks can be primed individually or combined for a bigger explosion. Once planted, the charge can be activated remotely. [*]Vapo-Disc – like the Det-Plast remote detonation is supported, as well as the ability to adjust the blast range from a distance. [/list] [/hider] Not quite sure what sort of demolitions technology we have to work with, I guess C4 and stuff like that is long gone? Will fill out those gaps when I have some more info. EDIT: Updated.