Jo Ann Davis glanced across the lab in the aquarium, eyeing the pools containing injured sea turtles that they were currently rehabilitating. She reached into the tank that she was sitting beside and gently stroked the turtle's shell. The smooth surface was marred by three ugly gashes that were slowly healing from a boat propeller. "Poor baby," She murmured and dried her hand on her board shorts. She stood up and glanced into the mirror on the opposite wall. Her sandy brown hair was tied in a loose ponytail and she was wearing a skin tight, black surfing shirt and pale pink board shorts. She was planning on meeting her friend Carla at the cove after her shift. Glancing over her shoulder, Jo noted the time. "I'm heading out!" She called to no one in particular. She reached for her phone. "Hey, C, I'm off. Wanna catch some waves?" She could hear her friend smile. "Of course! be there in 5!" Carla said and then line went dead. *~30 minutes later~* Jo and Carla were floating on the gentle waves, straddling their boards and making small talk. "SO..I met this guy," Carla giggled. "I'm meeting him for dinner tonight." Her cheeks heated and she shook her head. "That's great, C!" Jo beamed and looked her friend over. Carla was pretty. Blonde, wavy hair, hazel/brown eyes, petite build, clear skin. "You deserve to be happy, but just remember. One slip up and Jo brings the beat down!" She splashed Carla gently. Carla squealed and leaned back on her board, back flush against the surface. Jo did the same and sighed. She loved days like to day. Spending them with people she cared about, doing the things that she loved.