[@RomanAria] [@darkwolf687] [@smarty0114] [@Ellion] [@HushedWhispers] [@Wernher] [@Kaalee] [@ClocktowerEchos] [@Hippocamp] [@NarcissisticPotato] [@POOHEAD189] [@RainDash] I'm sorry that we're tagging people again, but the situation is dire. It has been two days since the last post (that has moved the RP on, no less) and there hasn't been any sign of people at all. This is rather strange since we have a bunch of people. We understand that you're busy, but it is inexcusable at this time. I believe that we all promised to be active in this RP. Not only that, but there are several RPers that have been posting in [i]other[/i] RPs, and making their own. So, what we both wanted to know is... where is everyone? What's the big deal? We've worked and planned hard for this RP, so it's natural that we worry as much as we are. Please, if you're "lurking", or "too busy", we need for people to get posts up. If not, the RP is going to freeze right here. We find it extremely strange that there was so much excitement for this RP when it was made, and yet, people just disappeared. If you're going to leave the RP, tell us [i][b]now.[/b][/i] It is extremely unfair to both of us to be sitting here and twiddling our thumbs like idiots as we wait for people to post, but they never come. It's bullshit that we've worked so hard on a RP, and people just leave without so much as a word. Again, not trying to be mean, but it's the damn truth.