[quote=@aeuternus] [@BlueAjah] You could indeed ;u;. Although your character would need an ""official"" zodiac, I see no reason why you can't make a character who feels close to / identifies as a Cat zodiac, if you get my drift. [s]Be the Kyo to my Yuki[/s] And like Ursa said, it'd be a wacky wildcard. So you'd have the hardest but also easiest job of them all :3c. EDIT [@Major Ursa] I was originally gonna randomise roomies, but now I'm thinking of throwing together some compatibles and incompatibles to spice things up. [/quote] Didn't see this before my last post and apologies for the double if I'm not ninja'd. Would you be having Cat replace one of the others then? As for roomies may I request Ian and Everyl if [@Termott] is good with it? A Chatzy would be nice. Or needed at this speed...