[centre][hider=Brianna Harmony Conquest] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/fb89/th/pre/i/2016/095/8/3/kate_marsh_by_sierrarandompaw-d9xssyk.png[/img][hr][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYuxZ2otU8s[/youtube][hr] [color=Saddlebrown][h3][b][i]Brianna Harmony Conquest[/i] | 18 | Female[/b][/h3][/color] [u][b][color=Saddlebrown]Appearance:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Despite her best efforts not to stand out, Brianna's genes have made her quite the stand out person. The first thing anyone knows about Brianna is that she's [i]big[/i]. Not in the overweight sense, but she's definitely way taller than average. She stands at six feet tall exactly, and she towers above everyone who doesn't meet that threshold. It's one thing that Brianna isn't too proud about about. This affects her gait as she's the kind of girl that makes slow, deliberate, movements, usually keeping her hands in her pockets. Her build is pretty modest for a girl her size, she's fairly skinny. She's actually well-toned due to some exercise (Not muscular at all), but the muscle and body fat she has only adds as padding which accentuates her build. Brianna does a lot of exercise as expected, and that is the reason why she keeps in such good shape. Brianna certainly has some thick legs, they aren't disproportionate to her body, but they're mostly thick due to leg workouts. If you're going to see muscle on Brianna, it's going to be there. Though, leading up those legs is a great, well-built, donk. She's certainly blessed in the behind area - but, on the flipside, she finds it hard to find proper pants. It's also something else that she feels embarrassed about. What hurts is her wide hips. You can say that Brianna has a slight pear-shaped body, though she isn't lacking in the chest area with a 38F bust size. Though, with the heavy clothing that she wears, it's hard to really notice her chest (And it doesn't look that big). Now, in terms of her genealogy, there's a lot of history behind it. Throughout the years, her ancestors have moved around a lot, and have well in love with people of many different ethnicities which give Brianna a distinct look. She's part Australian, part Irish, part Korean, part Chiricahuan (Or Apache Native American), part Puerto-Rican, part Columbian, Chilean, and part Belgian - though her Puerto-Rican, Chilean, and Puerto-Rican halves show the most due to her mother being a combination of those races. Her mother isn't to blame for her height, and her pear body-shape, it's her father that brings those genes. Mostly Brianna looks Caucasian, with a bit of Spanish flair in her blood. Though, she has a little bit of Korean in the eyes. Brianna's hair is a chocolate-brown color and kept in a sharp-bun bobcut cross.[/indent] [hr] [u][b][color=Saddlebrown]Powers:[/color][/b][/u] [i]Wood-Manipulation.[/i] [indent]Brianna has the ability over the fabulous element of wood! Making her unstoppable in combat! This ability manifested with a wide variety of traits, and neat things she can do. The first and foremost is that Brianna can telekinetically move living wood, and dead wood. Which means she can go from manipulating a tree to bitch slap you, to tearing apart an old wooden cabin (To bitchslap you with wood), or a combination of both. One thing that she can possibly do with a bit of finesse is shape and mold wood. She can make pretty much anything out of Wood long as she has enough wood. She can make chairs, swords, doors, limbs, anything. Which gives her a lot of utility outside of fights - because guess how much stuff is made of wood? Even in fights, Brianna can chuck a plank of wood and nail you right in the nose, or create a shield that'll stop most forms of damage. There's a few extra abilities that gives Brianna a bit more utility. Brianna's ability gives her a limited control over plants. Unlike true clorokinesis, Brianna is limited to woody plants. She can cause these woody plants to grow (And control [i]how[/i] they grow), control them, revive them, and more. She mostly uses her ability to cause plants to grow to allow herself.[/indent] [u][b][color=Saddlebrown]Weaknesses/Limitations:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Brianna's ability works as far as the eye can see - however, the further the wood is from her, the less control she'll have. Wood that's far away from her would have a less than steady control, along with the fact that it'll take up a lot more energy. Which is one limit that Brianna is aware of, and it's the reason why she only controls woods that's near her. Other than that, Wood can rot if soaked in water, and exposed to the elements long enough, which basically makes it useless for Brianna. Fire's also an obvious probem.[/indent] [hr] [u][b][color=Saddlebrown]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Despite her intimidating size, Brianna is awfully size, and reclusive. She doesn't really have a whole lot of self-confidence, nor any real social skills. She comes off as gloomy more than anything, so don't expect her to smile too much for your photos (She isn't very photogenic in the first place). Brianna is the kind of person who doesn't like to be in the spotlight. That doesn't mean she stays out of everything, she's great at things she's actually. She's a really determined person if the situation calls for it, and through that determination comes shining excellence. Brianna is a bit of a doormat when it comes to conflict. She's so hellbent on staying out of it, that she's willing to stand by as people step all over her. Brianna usually speaks with a heavy stutter - unless she's angry, then she'll make all of her words clear. Though, one thing that causes Brianna conflict is her bisexuality. She's always had an interest in girls, she never knew why. She hasn't come to terms with it yet, but she's heavily attracted to the female gender.[/indent] [u][b][color=Saddlebrown]Backstory:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Born in District 17, Australia, the country was spared from the brunt of the nuclear war due to the fact that the major population centers were on the coast, and District 17 was plopped on that population center. Brianna lived on the outskirts of the District along with her parents. She was an only child that was homeschooled, which didn't give her the best social skills right off the bat. However, Brianna lived in relative peace with her parents, and occasionally going into the more populated parts of District 17 whenever they needed to. Being one with nature allowed Brianna to go hunting with her parents. It was the only hobby they could do, and Brianna loved it. She also loved exploring nature on her own (At times, taking more adventurous visits to the nearby lakes). During one of those trips, Brianna unlocked her ability to control wood. It was an accidental usage, really. When she was visiting a pond, Brianna accidentally willed a branch from a bush to wrap around her foot, and she panicked... until she made the branch fall off. This introduced Brianna to a whole new world - she wasn't afraid, but this power was the one thing that made her feel like somebody. This was one thing she kept a secret. When she went out exploring, she always practiced her powers until she discovered the nuances, and things she could do with it. However... Brianna was tested for Super-AIDS and the test results came back positive. She was drugged, thrown on a bus, and sent to TEF-149.[/indent] [hr] [u][b][color=Saddlebrown]Talents/Skills:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Hunting... through years of hunting since her youth, Brianna has quite a few outdoor skills. For starters, she knows her way around a rifle (and a pistol). She isn't no sniper, but she can definitely take a well placed shot if she has some time. She also knows a lot about sneaking, and maneuvering through wooded areas.[/indent] [u][b][color=Saddlebrown]TL/DR:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]A tall girl of many different ethnicities that used to live in Australia before being sent to the TEF-149 facility. She has wood powers, and a lack of confidence (which makes her very shy).[/indent] [/hider][/centre]