[h3][center][color=DarkBlue]Acute Magnanen-[/color] - [color=Orange]Reality sets in[/color][/center][/h3] After managing to let loose a short-lived flow of words, I finally felt relaxed. That too, was short-lived. This guy poured out a torrent of words and phrases containing various inflections, contradicting messages, and more. Though I do consider his tongue rudimentary, the message is conciliatory and, rather than receiving consternation, I can appreciate it. Whoever this Ultimate is, he certainly seems overtly comfortable in his shoes. Perhaps overly comfortable all things considering. I wonder if this guy even listened to Monokuma's speech with how nonchalant he's acting. First he mispronounces my name, which is no surprise, my name is quite difficult. Next, he asks me my sexual orientation out of left field. Instantly, my pupils dilate and mind goes blank. Totally shocked, I sit speechless. He rams through though, with a classy smile and pervading, ubiquitous presence. The Ultimate mentions that he was able to get my mind off the killing. I drop my jaw in confusion, before realizing he's completely right. Just for a couple of seconds, I had utterly forgotten about everyone's latent potential for murder, an impressive feat, no doubt. But he doesn't stop there. His next conquest includes mentioning the fashionista and religious girl exiting the door nearby. His facial expression indicates a desire to go talk to them. Slowly, his motives begin to crystallize in my mind, yet I still would not like to jump to any incorrect conclusions. Nervous like before, though having my mind successfully taken off the pernicious situation, I nod in agreement meekly and get up off my feet. This mystery kid, I don't know his name nor his title. But at the present juncture, such details are unnecessary. Plus, I can't find a good way to ask him right now. I guess I have a propensity for awkwardness. [Color=DarkBlue]"Uh.. Sure!"[/color] I reply not really knowing what I'm agreeing to. This won't end badly, right?