[center][color=1E90FF][hr][hr][h1]Emmett Warde II[hr][hr][/h1][/color][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHCrWSnrIcg]Zack Hemsey- Graven Image[/url][hr][h3][I]Slavers on the Edge[/I][/h3][hr][hr] [/center][indent]As soon as Othen had put a grip on Emmett's arm, he immediately became horrified. But even the word [I]horrified[/I] does no honor to the amount of fear he experienced during the abrupt moment that Othen appeared. And Emmett is one soul too cocky for fear, he often laughs at it. Yet his immediate impulse was the daggers, but fortunately he had left his belt hooked with the blades in their sheaths when leaving his tent. He did this casually before his nap pervious to the time he would be waking up to sneak away. Which was quite good actually, if not, by instinct Emmett would have picked a hole through the big man's kidney, especially since Othen had turned Emmett directly towards him inviting close quarters for an attack. Not that Emmett would ever willfully choose to turn on any of his party members unless they proved themselves to be the traitor first. But as if things could not get even more shocking for one night, Floure rescued Emmett from a pending violent altercation. The way she built on what he first established presented her skills in spinning stories. Though it also strengthened the faith Emmett put in her, even if in that exact moment he had not a clue how to repay Floure, or if he ever would be able to. Although, Emmett would not say that Grace was convinced by it, the two had Othen let up on Emmett, releasing him. Once he had the opportunity to retire back to camp, Emmett charged towards his tent. Overwhelmed and strained by both his emotions and the drug's approaching withdrawal, he reckoned it be a better time to both apologize and praise Floure. He had stirred enough commotion for one night, for his own good he was going to keep his mouth shut. Besides, he had already put his lips to enough work than he is used to in only a matter of seconds. Inside his tent and really throughout the entire night there was no sleep, only frantic shifting back and forth followed by nail-biting, even finger-chewing. He had to resort to nibbling on rope to avoid breaking off flesh. Emmett doubted he would be able to outlast the night with what felt like thin acid-dipped pin needles weaving an electric current through his skull. Thinking he is going mad, Emmett wanted to scream instead of holding back the shrieks. But no, he was not going to blow it, not after Floure's defense. If he was not going to fake sanity for himself, he was at least going to do it for her. Emmett just grinded his teeth through the fibers of the rope even tighter to forever keep that silence about him. After hours of the torture, he could no longer take it. Emmett felt drained, completely [I]drained[/I]. The first thing he noticed was his bare skin, which is quite odd for Emmett in being that he is always shoveled away in cloths due to his pale skin fragile to the sun. Yet, the burns his body generated from overheating was far too much to bear alone in layers of fabrics. He ripped them off and removed them. The impact about found its end, however, with Emmett's weary some face of torment left to remain. But it was a face he concealed with his usual apparel as from head to toe was covered with material over material of fabric, which he dressed in now. Although, except for his eyes, he could not hide those without blinding himself of course. But it was the eyes, swollen from muted weeping and slightly red for the lack of sleep, that would bring questions. He needed to step out and collect himself through other means. Thus, Emmett grabbed his bag once again and exited his tent. [color=1E90FF]"H-hey, uncle,"[/color] Emmett whispered to Rook, slightly tapping him on the shoulder to wake him. The boy was going to make sure he would not find himself more any trouble by first informing the Lead Explorer of his doings. [color=1E90FF]"I-I swear, I'm going for some target practicing with my sling, maybe search around for heavier stones if I can."[/color] Emmett was not lying this time, and Rook would be the one man to detect it if his nephew was. Emmett was partially raised by his uncle, and he was aware there was no way he could successfully deceive Rook. After so Emmett wandered off to a direction opposite than he did when sneaking out towards the tree, but not to a point where he would lose complete track of the camp. Morning was on its way and with the little light the slow rising sun brought, one could see, though hardly, Emmett out in the far distance giving his corded weapon proper use. If there was one thing Emmett bore talent with, it was his sling. But while Emmett toss stones to test the distance he could bring them, he aimed his eyes for something else- carts, slave carts. It was at that point he sprinted and ran as fast as his weary tired body was capable of. [color=1E90FF]"F-Floure wake up, slavers!"[/color] he barked over to the maiden while poking her in the arm before moving on over to Rook, [color=1E90FF]"Uncle we've got to get moving slavers to the east."[/color] He did the same to the rest until all were awake and aware of the escape they needed to take. But in all honesty, Emmett did not want to run to a retreat. But of course he wouldn't, yet it was not for any particular cockiness or stupid courage. Instead, it was just in pure revenge that he wanted the Dry Bones headless, however he knew he couldn't be selfish nor stupid. He had to think about what was best for the rest of the party. [/indent]